Reviews from

in the past


Esse jogo é uma vergonha, se comparar ele com o Spider-man PS4 fica parecendo um jogo mobile, esse jogo é muito ruim, as animações são um pouco duras, as missões são chatas e repetitivas, tudo é ruim, só o web swing que é okay.

if you played this game for more than like 5 hours you’re unhinged

I have no idea what happened from the first game to this but oof it’s bad

the arkham games' weird kid brother. hollow, weightless, and not very interesting. fine for a licensed game.

This review contains spoilers

This is the WORST canon spiderman game. The Story is
different from the movie, but keeps some elements from it,
now the plot that is nothing about the movie is actually good, it has many morality moments, and the story moments are enough to make you wonder what happens next, except for how it doesn't exactly flow well, like if they forget about them at points where you can't explain what the overall story is, and the stuff that they forced in from the movie doesn't hold up, Electro does affect Spiderman vs Kingpin, but other things could have done that, and the rest of it feels like it could have been cut, and the reason Electro is a villain is still stupid, and the green goblin is still as bad as the movie, but the scene in the limo where Harry turns Spiderman away makes him feel like he doesn't really care a lot about it. The Characters from the movie are nothing to talk about, they are bland versions of their former selves, and they didn't get same voice actors, so they don't sound alike, especially Spiderman himself, Stan Lee is always good though, and the new characters do get some development for what little time they have and do make you feel something from them.
The Graphics are Ugly designed, low textured, and shadows and reflections do not always work how they should. The Gameplay is mostly bad, there are goods with running up walls, shots when on buildings is still great to look at, you can choose to shoot a web in either you're left or right hands, stealth sections are enjoyable, you can collect different Spiderman costumes, and now read comics that you collect, these help with some fun you can have, but the rest are not good, boss fights are repetitive and not imaginative or fun thanks to the un impactful combat, the world is mostly empty, apart from repetitive and generic heroic's, and a menace meter that causes a task force to hunt you down during the empty world if you don't do the missions, conversation trees which are pointless since they will all be said, how could a getaway car escape if you are on it? races can be fun, but not enough to fill up the world, generic looking city, 1 save slot only, you can't die if you fall from big height again, and the combat despite the different moves as well as the norm don't offer many varieties in attacking the same kinds of enemies over and over again, this is not a complete idea for good combat. The Music is generic, nothing to be impressed by, even if a family member made it. Amazing Spiderman 2 is why licensed games should not be rushed to meet a deadline, and not restricted to what they have to work with, or what they have already done.

sla n lembro de nada e zerei a 14 fps (guerreiro)

This game feels like one of those PS2 era cash grab licensed games.

Tentative rating because I haven't played it since it came out, but I remember being pleasantly surprised by it back in the day. Diet Arkham with some unexpected Spidey villains.

podre de maiss kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

It's like the movie. Bad, but had some real potential that was completely squandered. The combat was kinda unsatisfying, and even I was getting annoyed by Spidey's quips (mostly because there's no variety), and the crime happening every two seconds was also annoying. Still a pretty eh game. Not the worst, but I definitely won't touch again.

kk isso aqui é ruim num nivel cara, mas eu jogava mt

fun story. free roam is great. really loved it!

I went in thinking this would suck as much as the movie but it was actually a great time. Kraven hunting Carnage is brilliant

I love this game's attempt.

Birinci oyuna hiçbir ekleme yapmayan yapım. Şuan oynanmaz.

Época boa que eu tinha um PC, acabei jogando o 2 jogo em vez do primeiro porque na época eu comprei um dvd na minha cidade que era pra vim o Dead Space e acabou vindo esse jogo, sim kkskskkskaksks

I thought this game was way better than the critics said, but maybe thats just because i was 7. Just web swinging around NYC was pretty fun, and the missions weren't half bad either. 6.5/10


The most obvious tie-in game ever made; it seems no effort was put into any aspect of it. The combat is shallow and tries too hard to be a Arkham City rip off with none of it's charm and fluidity, you'll just be mashing buttons most of the time with half baked mechanics like the signature moves and ionic webs which feel OP and unbalanced if you're using them on normal enemies. The swinging can look pretty cool occasionally but its very janky and gets old fast because of the repeated animations and how limited it truly is. (Web rush is a stupid fucking mechanic)

The open world is extremely empty with some side content like races and gang hideouts that are the easiest, most repetitive and boring activities to do and require no skill whatsoever. You'll also be doing 30 photo investigations where you have to take a picture of the same 3 things; 10 times each, with Spider-Man repeating the same three lines despite of where you are in the story which end up not making any sense at all. There's also of course the usual tedious collectibles like the comics, oscorp crates and audio logs. Along with all of that; they introduce... the morality system and it single-handedly stopped any fun that you MIGHT of had in the end game as it basically forces you to stop petty crimes because if you don't then your menace meter will fill up and there's going to be a bunch of obstacles in the open world such as robots, turrets and these transparent walls that stop you from swinging if you hit into them... who the fuck thought that was a good idea to put into a SPIDER-MAN GAME?

The weird thing about the story is that instead of having an actual premise and a theme, the game decides to insert random fucking villains into every corner which make ZERO sense as to why they're there. The movie had problems with too many villains and they only really had 2/3, this has 7... and ALL of their boss fights are ass.

The voice acting is hilarious too, it's like they were trying to sound like their movie counterparts but completely failing at it. AND THE ANIMATIONS ARE SO UNBELIEVABLY EXAGGERATED, it literally looks like Spider-Man is drunk in every cutscene because he's swinging his arms around, almost falling down; it's genuinely funny and I applaud them for doing that because it's so bad that it's good.

I guess I only really liked the beginning of the game because it started out with that banger of a cutscene that has genuinely good writing, and it had some mindless fun from time to time, so at least it's not a complete failure.

Every Game I've Ever Played - Ranked (By Score)
Superhero Games - Ranked
Spider-Man - Ranked
2014 - Ranked

EU IREI DEFENDER ESSE JOGO ATÉ O FIM! O modo história é maneiro, tem várias skins, tem upgrade, os bosses são mt picas, o problema desse jogo é que o mundo aberto é uma MERDA, com um monte de robô te segundo pra te matar se você não fazer as missões de salvar pessoas, missões essas que são uma merda, e que você é obrigado a fazer milhões pra poder navegar no mundo aberto com tranquilidade por 5 minutos, até eles te atacarem de novo.

Terrible game, it’s the worst I’ve ever played. I’m not sure why I beat it, but I’m so glad I rented it when it came out because it is TRULY AWFUL! I fell asleep playing it, and I can’t really say that’s ever happened to me playing a game before.

Demora um pouco pra se pegar as mecânicas, mas assim que você pega, se vê como a jogabilidade é rasa. Não é ruim, só raso. Só possui um botão de bater sem variedade nenhuma com cinemáticas aleatórias feitas pelo Mirinha. Os gráficos e otimização poderiam ser melhores pela época.
A história é okay, nota 6,5. As missões secundárias são muito sem sal, indiferentes. A melhor coisa desse jogo é balançar por aí com a teia, depois que você pega o jeito. Em resumo, esse jogo só serve pra Marvel's Spider-Man recicla-lo.