Reviews from

in the past

i think this game came with some accessory pack for a relative's gba. i played it a couple times when i had -12943215098 things to do and it wasn't very good but at least it was playable, bottom of the barrel shit though

Here I am, playing Ratchet and Clank on the PS2, using this nifty thing called RetroAchievements and having a grand ol' time. Much to my dismay on a windy Saturday night, I began to deal with power cuts for the past two days. No way would I risk my PC just to squeeze in 30 minutes gaming sessions between the cuts. Thankfully I have my tablet, and an internet connection for it.

I also have that nifty thing.

Oh that nifty thing. How it tricked my curious little brain into stumbling into this unexpected path. If you're still wondering, yes, I did play this for achievements, on a relatively obscure website for tracking game progression. Did I mention I have my finals in December? Truly this is something you can insert into the legends of procrastination.

Whatever it is, it's done, i'm happy, and here we are. Reviewing a glorified "3 game pack" of board games for the GBA. To be fair, I always wanted to pay Game of Life, so that was worth the price of admission. From this review on, i'll be tackling each game piece by piece.

The Game of Life is well, just that. It's the board game. FWIW, it's a neat little board game, and the CPUs waver a bit on the easier side, but the paths and the RNG bring you along the ride. I had fun trying to become a millionaire as on 40K a year. Of the 3, this is easily the most approachable. The only issue is, the AI is dog slow- and this is something that will repeat. The game would have been nice with some built in fast forward function.

Payday, well, this crap is just as broken as Payday 2- that heist game that doubles down as a horde shooter at this point. Not only are the AI dog slow, but the RNG options suck. You like being charged 5000 on your 20,000 because you rolled dice? You like being in debt? You like having your properties worth 0 if you go all into your tycoon desires? Yeah whatever it is... just play Monopoly man. Oh, and as a added bonus- expect crashes as your high scores from Game of Life may carry over here. It's the cherry on top for subjecting yourself to this.

Yahtzee- I expected nothing from this, and I actually really enjoyed it. It's the one that requires the most strategy, and you feel like you actually have the most control over your ability to win. The AI are faster this time, but man are they tough. They'd give Swordfish AI on Chess a run for their money when you come to 4 player matches. But why bother when the 1 player high score option works the same magic? Anyways, of the 3, this might be the one i'll play again IRL when I get the chance.

On the presentation, well it's boring as hell. Sprites are nice but there's nothing you'll be remembering here, except for Payday- it sucks that much. Audio, whatever. I kept a podcast in the background and had my fun. That's it really. I really have nothing to analyze here. The terrible AI speed really brings down the rating for me, but i'd say this is a nice game if you wanna get an introduction to these board games. They are presented simple enough and without informing you in all the minutia. A neat thing I can commend the devs for is you can pass and play and not rely on Link Cables and the like.

If you wanna achievement hunt- it's up to you. The RetroAchievement set list veeers more into RNG achievements, so it's your call if you want to subject yourself to that. As i'm a student in medical school, i've grown acclitimized to mental drainage in the mundane, so it wasn't too bad for me. Your mileage may vary.

So there you have it- the legendary 3 game pack, whose damning revelations torment the GBA library to this very day. I hope it was worth it, Destination Software.