Reviews from

in the past

reinstalled this after getting into mirishita and it's way rougher than I remember from 2020, the rhythm mechanics (particularly the swipes) are quite clunky and unresponsive, performance is shockingly rough on my phone and it takes up an ungodly amount of space even before any 3d models, super frequent and slow downloads (when batch downloading songs it was a 3 minute download just to tell me how big the actual download would be), and a lot of concerning characters (I will punt the entirety of u149 into orbit) though that's par for the course for this franchise.
All of this is obviously understandable given the game's age and I'm glad it's still around but goddamn it's surprising that it still is.

the kinda gacha that leaves billions dead and yet i still try anyway. 99% of gacha players quit before they make it big.

if they shut this game down before they give me miyako ssr2 i will actually go nuclear

this game gave me terminal fomo but the 3d models are pretty