Reviews from

in the past

The gameplay is pretty average but the way the game conveys its underwater settings with a sense of mysterious, mythological grandeur appeals to me on a deep(heh) level

I had a lot of fun with this on-rails shooter. The Ocean theme was really cool

I loved this when i was a kid, unfortunately i never managed to complete the game before the machine got removed from the arcade

Para ser un arcade de finales de los 90, me ha gustado más que muchas actuales. Tiene algo arcaico que lo hace único y eso es TACATACATACATACATACATACATACATACATACATACA

Hay un enemigo que es el Crabkino y eso es Kino.

I just decided to play this at pure random last night since my arcade had a cab. I knew nothing about it going in and was pleasantly surprised by how nice it looked and how fittingly creepy the experience was. This is absolutely a game that has to be experienced at a cab. Ideally the hooded cab as it adds a lot to the experience. It helps add to the feeling of being in the deep sea. You're alone and anything could kill you.
I don't have too much to say on the enemies asides from they get very creepy in the latter half of the game. Fitting considering if you really think about it, the ocean is terrifying. The boss designs are very on point. All feel very terrifying and very mythological. Especially the final boss.
There's a very unique charm to the world. While yeah you're mostly underwater, there's a very interesting Greek/steampunk aesthetic going on. I can't think of too many games that do this, and I respect the team wanted to try that with this. I say they succeeded.
I say play Ocean Hunter at least once. You likely won't regret the experience.

Taba bueno, muy buena ambientacion y graficos, el gameplay te mantenia emocionado pero... cariiiisiimo salia como 2 pesos cada continue, ni em pedo lo gano!

One of my favorite arcade games mainly because of the excellent atmosphere it has. The Age of Discovery aesthetic crossed with mythological theming just makes for such an adventurous feeling game. Having all these legendary sea monsters be based off of real sea creatures was a neat idea too. The game also has a such a menagerie of enemies it throws at you, nicely varied levels, and epic feeling boss fights, that the game is engaging throughout. Ocean Hunter can be a bit of a bullshit quarter-muncher at times, namely the last boss, but otherwise it is such a fun time.

spent probably $50 on this on a cruise ship. sick boss designs, multiple alternate paths in certain levels for saving civilians... just nuts atmosphere. my favorite lightgun game ever

One star for each time Travis shot and killed a person