Reviews from

in the past

Gameplay, story, graphics, one of my all time favorites.

Probably the best RPG of the modern day.

Writing: 5/5
Gameplay: 4/5
Art Design & Visuals: 5/5
Voices & Sounds: 5/5
Atmosphere & Immersion: 5/5

There's more well written side quests in this game than you can find in basically any other WRPG, I feel, but in exchange the game traded away its main plot. The titular Wild Hunt, unfortunately, just completely suck as villains and just come across as tonally deaf Bad Guys, and Ciri is just... A Videogame Character. The game shines as a collective of short stories within the witcher universe than anything else.

The expansions are sick though.

This is a freakin immaculate RPG. Everything about it feels so lovingly crafted. I'm mainly just glad this game gets so much praise so that Todd Howard might take note of it.

The open world in this easily the I've experienced. It's so rich and alive and invokes your sense of adventure. Every main and side mission is engaging. This is the new standard all game devs should aim for when making open world games.

Fun enough for a lot of it, but it's still just a Map Game, and good God the music is unbearable.

Played this game for the first time on the Nintendo Switch lmao. It's actually a fantastic port, if you don't mind the visual downgrades that is. It's such a great game though that it didn't matter to me.

This is my choice for game of the generation for the reasons below:
It is an overall package that offers high quality throughout its gaming experience.
Two top tier expansions.
Great and memorable soundtrack.
Gorgeous art direction that still look good.
Sold very well.
Single player game with no online components whatsoever that is still being talked about daily.
It inspired a TV-Show because of its success.
Huge cult following and is constantly being compared to every new big release, so its some kind of a gold standard for open world games.
Holds high ratings and numerous gaming awards universally.
Available on every gaming platform with good support.

This single game made a small developer like CD Projekt Red into what it is today, this game was an industry changer and i can easily see its influence in todays open world games and im sure it will influence future open world games as well.

one of my absolute favorite RPGs of all time.

Fantástica construção de mundo, narrativa crua e realista e possui personagens bem escritos.

A ver, no soy objetivo con este juego. Me encantan los libros, que leí hace muchos años, la serie... Me encanta el universo. Y es en este juego donde lo ves representado tal cual. Lo único negativo, un control algo torpe y combate que simplemente cumple.

I haven't even finished this and I know it's one of the best fucking things I've ever played.

UPDATE: I finished it and it's still one of the best fucking things I've ever played.

a fun game with great characters and average combat. i really like the setting and the side quests make the world very immersive and interesting.

you truly feel like a wild guy in a hunt

This is indeed a good game. The plot while basic is very strong in the character department. The wild hunt as villians are meh but serviceable. Geralt is a great protagonist and his relationships are all very interesting to watch unfold. The music is fantastic and sound design is all around pretty decent. The world of the witcher is a fun one to dive into but the exploration of it is either really fun or really frustrating and annoying. Level gating and the mini map need to go and die. The gameplay is quite average overall, the combat is serviceable but its quite shallow and either too easy or too hard. Geralt also feels too floaty to control, he doesn’t have that weighty feel that he should. Overall i think its a pretty solid game thats carried by its great writing.

I can see why others enjoy this game, but's not for me. I found the combat frustrating and the setting too grim and serious for my tastes.

Le daría 5 estrellas pero tiene un huevo de cosas que están de mas y esta llenisimo de bugs que afectan directamente a la jugabilidad y por tanto no puedes dejar pasar

watched my sister play. it looked boring

i like how i cried the entire time

This is the kind of game that defines generations. The world is vast and expansive, and more full of life than most games have even attempted. I never touched the witcher franchise before this game, but playing this absolutely sucked me in. The lore is deep, the themes are thought-provoking, the characters are endearing, the main story is emotional and you can feel the stakes constantly rising. The game makes you understand the importance of Geralt’s mission, and by extension yours.

Geralt/you are constantly faced with choices that change character’s lives, often even deciding fates and you’ll find yourself caring about how you impact them, and how Geralt is seen by people and what you do for that world. It’s an adventure in every sense of the word, one that will make you feel a variety of emotions and take you to unforgettable places, and interact with fleshed-out and unique characters, major and minor alike.

Just go play the damn game already lol

Trilha sonora boa,e jogo de cartas bacana
fora isso..Loadings de 40 segundos,Confuso,Combate fraco,Movimentação estranha,''walking simulator''..enfim
nao me divertiu

Truly an awesome piece of gaming

Unpopular opinion but this game is so overrated.
The controls feel weird, aspecially on a horse. A step or a rock of 5 cm high makes the character on or off the horse fall down or stand still. For an open world game, this is terribly annoying.

Half fo the items you find are useless and you have no clue what to do with them, but they stack up in your bag so you need to return every 10 min of playing to empty your bag.

Atleast the story is nice and all in the first map. But when arriving in the big town, be carefull to not get stuck in there for 2 hours not swinging your sword once becaue of all the boring sidequests where you need to help fix a simple relationship problem or something from some random npcs...

Finished this way back in August of 2015.

Didn't get around to the DLC until January of 2020.