Reviews from

in the past

I really wanted to like this one more. One of my favorite TV shows mixed with one of my favorite game genres. Even the actors provide the voices to the game. They even have the intro of the show play after each chapter. The early zombie town levels are pretty good but the game quickly falls apart. For one the voice acting is peter dinklage destiny levels of bland i dont wanna be here levels of acting. Two the game is so unevenly paced and takes so many strange paths. Game gets much worse as it goes on and becomes a frustrating mess. Couldnt even stomach to finish it. Thats bad.

resident evil/silent hill clone really but i found it goofy and fun, plus its funny to see mulder with a huge fucking shotgun like its no big deal

Oh, how I wanted this game to be amazing. The first X-Files game, that appears on PC and the PS1, is phenomenal to me as an x-phile. Feels just like playing an episode and it was written and filmed as if it was one. It takes place during season 3, which is peak X-Files.

Resist or Serve, though, chose to be a tank control Resident Evil clone and it just feels clunky and weird, in story and design. It takes place during season 7, which is a weaker part of the series, and doesn't evoke the right atmosphere, in my opinion. Happy to have played it and own it but not in any hurry to return to it. Didn't quite get to the end, though, so I'll have to return to it eventually.

I'm a huge X-Files fan and this was a big disappointment. The opening chapter is a fantastic Silent Hill/X-Files mashup, even if Duchovny and Anderson are sleeping through their performances. There's a definite thrill in seeing all the familar cast (The Hidden Gunmen! The Cigarette Smoking Man! Skinner!) rendered in PS2 jank-o-vision. Mulder clad in nightvision goggles and wielding an AK47 is hilariously incongruous, too. The story goes from a reasonably plausible setup to ancient temples, castles, and other nonsense. Every new chapter knocked the score down by a star. By the time I got near to the end I was playing with cheats and utterly bored out of my skull. Worth it for X-Files fanatics alone, and barely worth it at that.

love my pookies but got to the final boss fight and it was so frustrating that I didn't finish it😭 maybe gonna try again in the future but with cheats

Terrible game. Cool moments every now and then, and plenty of terrible moments. Items are hard to find, the game is too difficult, the story is kinda interesting but drops off towards the end. ANNOYINGLY DIFFICULT BOSSES.