Reviews from

in the past

It's a nice errand running game with very simple mechanics, so much so that there is not a single word used in the game itself. It also is very short, taking me 3 hours to do complete the main objectives plus have time to do everything I wanted to, which probably covered about 75% of the in-game achievements. For the current price of $25, I wouldn't really recommend it simply because it's just a bad value, but it was still a pleasant little experience (and hugging your plant around the island is very sweet and good)

Main quest line (fixing the boat) completed. Time on Frog Island is a fairly relaxed 'life simulator', with the player taking control of a sailor shipwrecked on an island inhabited by anthropomorphic frogs. While the core aim is to repair the boat to allow departure from the island, there's a range of other quests/tasks to complete, fulfilling requests from the populace. Most of these are fairly shallow, typically requiring the retrieval of an item, though quite often that leads to a chain of other requests that must first be fulfilled. The main questline can readily be completed within 3-4 hours, then that can perhaps be doubled by the optional content, so the overall length is fairly short, but not excessively so. However, with no map, no quest log and sometimes vauge requests (characters communicate only in images), it's very easy to get lost in knowing what to do/where to go next and I couldn't maintain enough interest to push through beyond a beating the main quest. There's a decent game in here, but it's very much in need of refinement.

esperava mais, mas e muito bonitinho

gastei 10 horas da minha vida pra platinar essa porra

Cute vibe, and a nice to spend a calm evening or two. I had to pull up a guide because I found it difficult to figure out where to find some items. It also felt like it ended somewhat abruptly. I think I missed some optional errands/item swaps and didn't see the extra island, but it's hard to know with no dialogue what to expect at times.

Short but sweet.

Artstyle is nice and sound design is decent. Gameplay can be a little tedious with the running back and fourth between the same places and constantly having to sleep to progress tasks. Can also be a little frustrating with the lack of dialogue or hints, would be almost impossible to 100% without online guides.

Wow... That was boring, and uninspired. The whole game is just fetch quests, and running back and forth. There are no memorable characters, and the game is super buggy. I lost items several times just because its glitched through the terrain. Maan... I wanted to love this game, but i just cant. Frustrating a- game. 2/5

I thought the art of this game looked pretty cool, and then I actually played it. This game is awful.

Un jueguito chill y boludo para pasar el rato, eso si, no esperes demasiado

I really enjoyed my time with this, it was quite short but the perfect length in my opinion, although the gameplay wasn't very deep. Nice relaxing game.

Really wanted to like this, but it's a bit too bare bones and ran pretty choppy on the Switch.

A shame because I love the vibe and art style.

I'd been excited about this game coming out as soon as I heard that it was like the trading quest in Link's Awakening. This game is like the trading quest in Link's Awakening except it is much more vague ! Sometimes too vague ! But the style and mood of this game is just so cozy and lovely that I didn't mind looking it up if I got really confused, and I don't think that happened very often. I felt proud whenever I successfully made a trade, especially early on. I will definitely play this again sometime, and since it's so obtuse I will probably not remember what trades to do so it will be like playing it for the first time. Was not prepared for the ridiculously depressing backstory though, wha tthe fuck

this game is so cute i am besties with every single frog EVER
my only problem is that it gets really confusing as there isn't really directions on what you need to do but other than that I really like it

The time was short but fun.
The game at some points feels like it is padding for time like with the fishing "mechanic" or the egg carrying.

It was a fun little game after the first hour as it felt like I was stuck in a loop of trying to find an item but because of random events or weather that object was never there so when the frogs pointed in the direction then nothing was there it made the walk feel tedious.

I bought this game off art style alone. Had not watched any kind of trailer or anything and if you’re going to try it that might be the best thing to do? This game definitely won’t be for everyone as it lacks quite a bit in the mechanic and gameplay department. While I don’t hate it, most of the game boils down to fetch quests and this just isn’t necessarily my idea of fun. That said, the characters are charming, I do really love the art style, and it’s not at all the worst game I’ve ever played. Probably the most tedious thing for me was the lack of a map in the game and just how vague the overall objectives were. I felt bad at first but, after reading the other reviews of people doing the same, if you play this you’re better off using a guide. I explored for the first hour or two and then when the art novelty wore off, headed to google for progression help. You’re not missing out on a huge experience if you skip this game but, if you need to fill a day or two between your next big release, give it a go for a relatively easy platinum if that’s your thing.

This game is so fucking cute, I love this game

I liked it, but it's maybe too simple, sometimes felt like just going from point A to B. It doesn't have lots of mechanics, but it's chill and relaxing. Loved the art, it's adorable.

There was a lot I liked about Time on Frog Island. Exploring, meeting the frogs, and engaging in the barter system were all lovely; so was the visual design of the game. Mechanically, only being able to carry one item at a time for barter ended up leaving a bad taste in my mouth, and overshadowed a system I genuinely enjoyed. Figuring out how to communicate to mutual benefit made my linguistic-loving heart pitter-patter. I just really wish I could have eventually acquired a pouch or something to make hauling items back and forth less tedious. A map would have been nice to keep track of where items could be found, but the island isn’t so large that it was a deal-breaker. This is, overall, just a very charming game with a great premise that ended up floundering mechanically.