Reviews from

in the past

This game is pretty fun and comes recommended, idk why the reviews are so bad

it continues to make me kinda sad that not a lot of people know 'bout this game. It's a yapsolute GEM on both the PSP & the PS2, with the PS2 version bolstering new content in the form of voice acting & secrets! Please do yourself a favour by playing this game.

A fun platformer that really deserves some more play!

The main character progresses through stages aided by the 'Tokobots' - small robots that link arms into a few different formations, each with moves to fight off enemies and help traverse the environment. Link them into a straight line, and they can make a ladder for you, or be used for a melee strike. Link them on either side of you, and you can spin around and slowly glide to the ground after a jump, etc.

The story is pretty forgettable, but it's a platformer, so...shrug. It's on the easy side, but there is a lot of charm, especially from the Tokobots. Worth your time if you like 3D platformers!