Reviews from

in the past

Ah yes, the world famous Cryptic Killer who's gonna blow the whole place up unless you can do jigsaw puzzles and recognize which animal makes this noise! Truly evil stuff.

Sadly this one lacks originality with the two aspects that make these kind of games; Puzzle design and with the story which is taken straight out of Saw. It's all serviceable but this stuff has been done before and better.

really fun. difficult puzzles! some are . . . too weird. also, it has cut scenes with voice acting (potentially odd choice in a game you're supposed to talk over)

Played this along with the prequel demo called Unsolved Case with my girl. Fun puzzle game to play with a partner or friend if you want to play something new one night. Game is around 4+ hours depending on how long it takes you to complete the puzzles.

Voice acting is a little choppy and the "twist" is obvious but the puzzles are fun and that's what matters. My girl and I are both interested whenever the sequel come out.

A good sequel to the free game called "Unsolved Case". The puzzles are more challenging this time which leads to more brainstorming with you coop buddy and is ultimately more satisfying to solve.

Relatively short and sweet. "Unboxing" is used very literally as the puzzles take place within a series of increasingly small boxes. Not much of a story and I don't know if the "twist" is supposed to be one given how obvious it is.

The puzzles are good and varied but lack anything too special to make it stand out. 2hrs playtime and both players need to own a copy. You decide if it's worth it.

A solid puzzler with nice presentation. The puzzles are mostly trying to use disparate information to work out what the puzzles are asking you what to do, rather than the basic 'communicate this weird shape to your opponent' motif these games often fall back on, and so the innovation was greatly appreciated. There were a couple of puzzles based on trial and error, which was a bit annoying, but other than that solid all round. Just a shame it was so short!

love a good puzzle game sequel

The puzzles are good and there were some real neat ways that they implemented the puzzles, but nothing too special overall. For the price, it's worth the buy/playthrough, this along with the prequel goes for about 3 hours of entertainment

Lo puse como mejor Coop 2023 pero fue antes de jugar Lethal Company, aun si esa hubiese sido la opción de todos (y merecida).

Con esa aclaración que nadie pidió, si eso añado que tras hacer casi todos los niveles, tras venir del anterior juego pensé "Pero cuando vamos a dejar de hacer cajas".

El peor detective cuando pone literalmente en el título que esto va a ir exclusivamente de cajas.

Gelungenes Coop-Rätselspiel, bei dem man sich in unterschiedlichen Räumen befindet und deshalb nur einen Teil des jeweiligen Rätsels sehen kann. Kommunikation ist also genau so wichtig wie das Knobeln an sich. Der Schwierigkeitsgrad wurde im Vergleich zum kostenlosen Prequel zum Glück etwas angehoben, das mir noch eine Spur zu leicht war. Zwar gibt es auch hier einige Rätsel, bei denen die Lösung sofort offensichtlich ist, aber insgesamt fand ich die Mischung angenehm. Es gibt außerdem genug Abwechslung bei den Aufgabenstellungen und die grafische Umsetzung hat mir gefallen. Dass es nur wenig Handlung drum herum gibt, mochte ich persönlich, weil man dadurch schnell zur Sache kommt. Wer ein Adventure erwartet ist hier aber natürlich falsch - es geht um die Rätsel. Mich hat das Ganze vom Gefühl her an ein Escape Room Spiel wie "Exit" erinnert. Die Fortsetzung wird auf jeden Fall auch gespielt.