Reviews from

in the past

Full review:

Deep and interesting sci-fi story
Beautiful pixel art and great character design
Fun combat with innovative mechanics (organ transplantation,
steal healing items from enemies, their damage multiplies on successful hits)
Plenty of customization
Great soundtrack

Overpowered equipment
Repetitive enemies and locations
Jerky character animation
* 2 characters & biomes instead of 7 that were pitched on Kickstarter

У меня шок. Игра потрясающего арт дизайна, следил за ней ещё в далёком 2015 (или 2017) году и грезил дотронуться. Всё это время ребята пытались придать ей форму, попытавшись наполнить её лором, персонажами и боёвкой.

Я заплатил ребятам по старой памяти, но игру дропнул спустя пол часа.

Good gameplay, story setting and pacing are very uncompelling

maybe the most complicated semi rogue like game ive played
didnt finish it yet
ill come back to this review

Achei a arte do jogo e a história muito interessantes e o tipo de jogo que eu gosto!
Comecei a jogar ele no game pass agr não está mais disponível voltarei a jogar ele um dia.
Adorei a mecânica de trocar partes do corpo do seu personagem com os mobs.