Reviews from

in the past

I have been bested; utterly humiliated! The game starts out fine enough. You control a cute little dino dude named Wagyan platforming and blasting enemies with sound waves through levels that remind me a bit of Pac-Land. You don't kill enemies with your sound waves; instead, you stun them. Stunning them allows you to use them as a platform very briefly. While traversing through the levels you can pick up what is called a Waganizer. Your sound waves and stun time increase with each pickup, and after collecting four you get what is basically an invincibility star from Mario. Where the game takes an interesting turn is with the bosses. You challenge bosses to either a memory game or a game of shiritori (word chain in the English fan translation). The memory game is fine if not a little boring, and shiritori is also fine when going against the normal bosses. Shit hits the fan when you get to the final boss. First, a memory game; simple enough! Then right into the most grueling game of shiritori. In order to truly beat the boss, you have to accrue enough points first. Defeating the boss normally without the required amount of points resets the board entirely and your points as well. All the selectable tiles are randomized as well. After about 5 hours of this madness relying on multiple save states, I decided to call it quits. Maybe one of you reading this can finish this easily and make me seem really dumb. Either way, god speed, if you do attempt this!

Game Review - originally written by Spinner 8

If you've played Kero Kero Keroppi's Great Big Adventure 2, you know exactly what to expect. You shoot things at enemies, and you play some kind of funky game with the boss, instead of actually fighting him. The word chain game is freaking DIFFICULT. Anyway, the most major change (not really a “change,” since Wagyan Land came first) is that you can't jump on your enemies to kill them. You can't even kill them at all, unless you get four powerups and become invincible. Once you shoot an enemy, it's just FROZEN for a little while, and you can jump on it and stuff. It's pretty wicked. And of course, one hit kills you, just like in all great games. Too bad the collision detection totally bites. Oh yeah, and the graphics are awesome! They're just so simplified and elite and stuff. So yeah! Play the game.