Reviews from

in the past

will always be my most beloved Warriors

Como el anterior, pero con más contenido.

Играл версию PSP. Неплохой мусо, убивать сотню врагов весело, на многих уровнях есть задания для выбивания колеектеблсов, которые потом являются условием для прокачки оружий. Сюжет и ролики не интересны, ДВ4 получше.

je passais des heures dessus a faire les memes combos comme à l'usine et j'etais heureux dinguerie que ca tourne sur psp

The game that got me into Dynasty Warriors. Well, truthfully I didn't even know that it existed until this game. Unfortunately, I didn't play this game nearly as much as I should have.

One of the best warriors games. There was almost 80 some characters. Thats crazy. Picking teams of three was so hard. Any fan of samurai warriors or the three kingdoms stuff will love this.

We owned a bootleg copy of this. One of the first few games my brother and I bonded over

its wo1 with... a little more content

it's like the first game but fucking raw.

Версия для псп вмещает в ваш карман целый геноцид азиатского населения и уёбищ из ада!

My favourite of the Musou games, its massive roster blew me away as a kid and it remains the peak of the franchise for me.

Did you know that Warriors Orochi 2 was actually intended to be an expansion of the first game? The answer to that is probably yes because it's basically the same game. If Koei Temco are one of the worst companies for the copy and paste theory of making games, this might be their worst offence, and it is really difficult to see the differences between the two games bar the story (which isn't that much different). So what do we have here? Well, some more hack and slash action in ancient China and Japan, with a huge cast of characters. These games pit you against huge armies of enemies who seem to stand there and do nothing. It is kinda fun smashing through literally thousands of enemies in one battle, but the lack of effort from these enemy "warriors" is a bit concerning. It's very much one of those games that you either love or hate. For Orochi 2, they have kept the mechanic that made Orochi 1 more interesting than other warriors games, in that you play as 3 characters. Swapping between the characters does still feel good, yet it's less novel this time around, and a lack of any further innovation or polish is disappointing. However, Orochi does solve one issue that plagued the first game, the need to grind out levels. For that reason alone, 2 is a little better, because no one likes to grind. For the majority of us that don't really have the patience to get that far, even this doesn't really matter.

Okay, what a jump WO2 was compared to 1. I played this one sooo much I loved it. I don't regret spending 100+ hours on this one