Reviews from

in the past

I really want to like Whimsy. It's got a good art style, some solid writing, good music, and great vibes. But oh my god the puzzles. They're way too obtuse. Even the hints they give you about the puzzles are obtuse. I got to a color-based puzzle with different colors that are so hard to differentiate that I had to quit. I'm not even color blind! I can see just fine! But the colors chosen for the puzzle are just indecipherable. The cool art definitely got in the way of the puzzles in this game and it's a dang shame. It felt like my only choice was to brute-force a puzzle with thousands of solutions and, no thanks, I value my time too much for that.

clearly the first game by this developer, but you can really see the evolution over time in both art style and mechanics. most of the puzzles made enough sense, and while i'm unsure this is an objective critique or my own lacking observational skills, but i found a few of the arrows were easy to miss, which left me stuck on puzzles i'd otherwise solve easily.

Madison Karrh's first game? similar mechanics and style to Birth and Landlord of the Woods can definitely see the improvements in later games, still a fun little game tho