Reviews from

in the past

Not very good, but it does do something that my precocious teenage self desperately always wished more things did with wrestling adaptations all those years ago: just go completely into a nonsensical realm where the Undertaker has green slimey energy attacks and Vader gets ram horns as he charges you like he's a Battletoad.

Wrestling is an absurd theatre; real human beings pretend to be superhuman and above mortality doing stuff that, if anything (and often unlike regular theatre), just accelerates that mortality by ludicrous amounts. As such, the idea of simulating wrestling has always struck me as a fruitless endeavor; wrestling is already pretending to simulate some higher reality. Why not make more games where that higher reality is fully realized and not lethal to the people pretending? Why make it into a yearly Sports Game™️ franchise?

BIG respect to the fact the game had to make up fatalities for each wrestler in this. My favorite is the one where Ultimate Warrior just uses lightning to obliterate his opponent into pieces. They'll be talkin' about THAT match for a while, Vince!

you beat all the wrestlers as bret hart and get a bret hart video. i wish i could do it forever and get unlimited bret hart videos