Reviews from

in the past

I got thirsty and the 7-Up that fabricated into my hand only made me thirstier, I hate this red dot bitch

Cool Spot honey, I love you but this game is so bad.

I can tell this was based/ripped directly on/from the ones on home console because sprites this big should not be in a side scroller on the Game Boy. ESPECIALLY one with non-traditional level/sprite design that doesn't make use of tiles like other 2D platformers on this system. If this game was actually built with the Game Boy in mind and was more like Kirby's Dreamland or Super Mario Land then I think it'd be completely fine. But here, the sprites take up like one third of the available screen space in any given direction, which means it's impossible for you to see what's up ahead (or above, or below) without just running straight into danger. And for some reason, this game is just FLOODED with enemies. Like, there's barely a stretch of land mass that doesn't have at least one little dude running around. But usually, it's bumper to bumper enemies for most of the allotted ground space. And for those who are wondering, no, I didn't make it past the first level. I spent all three of my lives just trying to get to what I thought was the end of the level only to find out it was actually a midway check point.

I feel like part of what adds to the difficulty here is the fact that your only attack is a little laser blast thing, but you can only shoot up, down, and to the side. Yet the platforms are almost all diagonals, so the enemies are almost never directly next to you or directly above/below you, so killing them is incredibly hard. There's also a 6 minute timer, which had me freaking out because I didn't know how long these levels were gonna be, and so I didn't want to dilly-dally and try to precision shot kill every enemy, so I resorted to just trying to jump over as many as I could, but because the screen is so zoomed in and the sprites are so big, I couldn't tell where I was gonna land until I landed. And usually I landed on an enemy.

I totally get why the developers of this 1993 shovelware game didn't make a completely different and reworked game for this one single platform but eh at this point why even make a Game Boy version... oh that's right... MONEY!!

there is only one good level in this game and its the final one the other levels suck ass. this spot is NOT COOL.

It looks fine, controls fine (the momentum feels like poo tho), and the music is pretty alright actually.
Then fact there aren't any bosses, not even in the final stage, feels odd and sort of anticlimactic. Otherwise...yeah it's a fine game I suppose.
Now I want a Sprite.

Loved it so much back in the day. The cool atmosphere/music and animation were so great !

The bar is pretty low since it's not only a mascot platformer but also a licensed game, but it's pretty good! Something I would happily rent when nothing new was in stock at the local video store.

Back in time where commercial-related games were cool and fun. A nice platformer game with good level design and sympathic musics.

Haven’t played this one since the 90s but from what I do remember it was a decent platformer. Never finished it but I don’t think I missed out on much.

I'll admit it, this game is still the reason I buy 7Up instead of other Lemon-Lime soft drinks.
Not amazing, but it's good enough that it kept my attention as a kid and it left a weird impact on me.

Spot is a Cool dude

For some reason this was my go to rental game as a kid, I was a dumb ass kid, just an idiot.

I thought I dreamed this game and am slightly shocked to learn it was real and something I actually played.

A very charming 2D platformer with a bubbly carbonated feel. The controls are fine and the music is suprisingly good. The combat system is kinda weak and the level design is lacking for sure. Still a decent game and worth playing if 2D platformers are your thing.

people point to cool spot as an advertisement game which isnt "that bad" but i never see people calling it good. i do love cool spot though hes basically me

Once again as a kid who didn't grow up with Contra this seemed like the coolest shit ever. Run-and-gunning through inventive levels where you're playing someone the size of a bottle cap in a human's world. I liked the mirroring of the levels around the halfway point, felt like a real "there and back again." The "Rave Dance Tune" music from the bonus level also completely rocks

For a 7up mascot game this is pretty good.

I like the look of this game. I don't really remember much else about it.

Haven't played since I was real young, so my rating is purely based on my memories of how much I liked it then...

Cool Spot (1993): El mejor anuncio que he jugado nunca. Coñas aparte, los 90 fueron tiempos extraños dónde 7UP podía hacer un juego y que no saliese del todo malo. Tiene problemas, y cae en creer que dificultad = diversión, pero es una curiosidad histórica muy interesante (5,90)

The game got the Bonus Level Music. Nuff said.

yeah man i love mountain dew i’ll play ur game

I played the first level of this in my dentist's waiting room so many times as a kid.

My dad used to play this for me before our snes got stolen.
I don't remember much about this game expect I got really fucking anxious and used to call it a scary game. Very nostolgic

Cool Spot is a game that I've owned since I was a kid. It was the kind of game I only played for a very short period, the farthest I had ever got was the third level before today. Its been a while since I played the game last, so I was surprised when I popped my Cool Spot cartridge into the SNES yesterday and ended up genuinely really digging it. It took me about 2 and a half hours to beat, I wasn't paying attention to time unfortunately so I can't give an exact measure.

Cool Spot is a fun little platformer in my opinion. It's sort of a Mega Man like game in that you have the ability to shoot a bunch of bubbles, which, as you can guess, are used to destroy your enemies. Combat is not nearly as much of a focus here as it is in a game like Mega Man, though; its more so just used as a means to defeat enemies and progress, whereas Mega Man has dedicated bosses you need to fight. Throughout the game, your goal is to find the cage that is holding another spot buddy in each level and destroy the cage, but you can't do that until you have enough of the red dot collectibles first. This creates a sort of interesting gameplay loop that makes you think more about your environment; some dots will just be easily available on wherever path you go to but others require you to think outside the box a little. There were a few times where I had found the cage early, but didn't have enough dots to finish the level, so I had to backtrack and explore a little more. The game tells you how many dots you have through a "Cool" bar in the HUD with a percentage on it. You need 60% Cool to unlock the cage, and getting 85% Cool will let you go to a bonus stage after finishing the level. Worth noting that this game lets you keep your Cool percentage when you die, so you don't have to worry about having to completely start over again when you die (although it will take you back to the beginning of the level with all enemies respawned).

Controlling Spot feels responsive and even quite satisfying, whenever I died I rarely felt like it was the fault of the controls. The physics aren't too wonky, either, although there are a few times where I jumped slower than expected. Thankfully those events never resulted in my death when that happened. Since Cool Spot is a pure platforming game, these aspects of the game are essential, so its nice to see that they're both good, at least in my opinion. I figured I would dedicate a section to this given how important that is.

Cool Spot's difficulty is selectable through the options menu. I just went with Normal like I do for most games I play and it felt like a rather standard platforming experience. If you can get enough Cool percentage for the bonus levels in two or three levels, you'll be just fine. Each bonus level has a letter in it that will serve as a Continue when collected and I found that they were not hard to find. The game is also generous enough with those 7-Up bottles that heal you (in case it wasn't obvious that this is the 7-Up video game lol), it rarely ever felt like overkill. Usually, whenever I REALLY needed the heal, the game would give it to me. Worth noting that you can take up to 6 hits if I remember correctly, which was not what I was expecting from this kind of platformer. As for the difficulty of the levels, I have no idea if the level design changes with your selected difficulty, but I do know that I felt none of the levels were especially hard to get through. The third level, Wading Around, was easily the one that gave me the most trouble because there is a lot of water around you that will instantly kill you if you fall in it and the level is built around that (its got tight platforming and there are some platforms that will drop you into the water if you don't jump off fast enough). Some enemies were very annoying - I hated those bees and hornets - while others were practically a non-issue. Overall, pretty balanced difficulty in my opinion.

The theming of this game feels pretty abstract and bizarre. I think it was meant to simulate just how small Spot was by putting him in various big locations. This can sort of be seen in the parts of the environment you can interact with, too: Spot can hang off the strings of balloons, climb ropes (or shoestrings in the case of one level), jump on bubbles, put himself inside bubbles to float upwards, and catapult himself up with mouse traps. Throughout your journey, you will find yourself in a beach, a pier, a wooden rat home with pipes, a bathtub, a toy room, a railway, and a train (in that order), although there are a few stages that reuse backgrounds and enemies as is standard for many old platformer games. Easily the weirdest stage is Loco Motive, the train level. It looks normal until you realize that there are giant floating balloons of weird cartoonish babies you need to jump on for platforming. The background is also constantly moving in that level, which can make you feel nauseous just by trying to focus on what you're platforming on. Nonetheless, I liked the way the stages looked and thought it had a unique fun feel to it. The game's art style doesn't look much different from other platformers of the time but it serves its purpose and helps accentuate the cartoonish nature of some of the stages.

Cool Spot gets a solid 3 stars from me. Its fun and does what a platformer should do, but it never really excels above that for me. Makes me want to drink a 7-Up served its purpose after all, lol.