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in the past

Best DMC game overall in the series. Love the combat styles each character has and the story. Only thing that sucks is that Vergil doesn't have many unique story cutscenes when you play as him.

QUE JOGO BOM DO CARALHO, ele consegue ser superior a tudo que os ultimos dois jogos fizeram, principalmente em combate. o dante desse jogo nao é tao complexo e chato de se jogar, é bem mais de boa pra fazer alguns combos que nao requerem tanto do jogador e etc, o que deixa o jogo mais divertido do que o dmc 4, por exemplo, apesar do personagem do dante estar beeeeeem mais chato nesse jogo. diferente dos passados, ele parece muito mais arrogante e até egocentrico em alguns momentos o que me estranhou um pouco tlgd.

o nero nesse jogo nem se fala, alem do tema desse filho da puta ser do caralho, a gameplay com ele continua gostosinha como sempre. usar os grab do devil bringer la pro final do jogo e o proprio devil trigger do nero sao adições do caralho. a historia pode nao ser a mais complexa, tipico dos jogos de dmc, mas ainda assim nao deixa de ser emocionante com alguns acontecimentos especificos. no geral, dmc 5 saiu com um saldo muito bom pra mim e eu definitivamente vou jogar mais vezes pra poder aproveitar essa obra prima de cabo a rabo. CAPCOM SAVE DEVIL MAY CRY PORRA

Peak featuring Vergil from the Devil May Cry series

only made me want more when it ended

The best action game I've played so far. The combat is extremely fun, replayable and stylish. I've never in my life put so much hours into learning combat in any other games, but here I'm still learning Dante's combat and make more stylish and cooler combos. At the moment of writing this review I've around 200 hours and still play this game every now and then.

Devil May Cry 5 is not only a much needed return to form for a series that’s been standing on shaky grounds for the previous eleven years but is mainly a victory lap that encompasses everything that made the series special in the first place.

The amount of love poured into Devil May Cry 5 is undeniable from its highly detailed character models to its beautiful environments to the fine-tuned gameplay. The jump in quality is as impressive as the jump between Uncharted 3 and 4. The world is presented in beautiful stylized realism that is a great fit for the series. The gameplay takes the best parts of what made DMC3’s gameplay so good and adds welcome quality of life improvements to deliver the best combat system in the series. It might have a new coat of paint but it’s definitely DMC and better than ever!

Aside from a couple of characters getting mishandled and a few minor quirks, I actually don’t have any major criticisms to give to Devil May Cry 5. It pretty much excels on everything it’s trying to do and delivers a fun and campy action-filled experience with loving callbacks to the previous installments.

It might be a celebration of the series but i don’t think it’s a culmination in any way. Devil May Cry 5 feels more like a powerful revival that also lays solid groundwork for a supposed future of the series. I’m not gonna lie, seeing DMC get an entry like this has made me feel increasingly bitter that Bayonetta, my preferred action hack-and-slash series, got an installment like Bayonetta 3 instead of one like DMC5. To fans of Devil May Cry, I can’t express how happy I am for you to get a celebration like this for a series you cherish.

if dmc5 and mgr had an aura off the world would fucking explode


First completed game of the year, and a good choice at that, a reintroduction to Devil May Cry since I don’t remember playing a full game since I tried DMC4 on my old XBOX back when I was a kid.

I’ve wanted to get back into DMC for so long, not only from watching some of my friends play it from time to time, but also the BANGING soundtracks giving me the feeling that I’ve gotta be “in that moment” when that one track hits, but the gameplay is what had kept me from picking it up much sooner.

I played the demo for DMC V when it came out, and I was not good at it, by any means, I don’t even remember if I beat the boss in that demo (shame me now) I was never really great at fighting games, which I compared DMC to a lot of the time way back when, or any games that required even a hint of brainpower to go into combo’ing a decent sequence of moves, which is why I think I kept putting it off, and this is where I tell you that I’ve actually owned the DMC V Special Edition for probably close to two years now.

Alright I’ve rambled too much already, I should finally get onto the game, but first, to give a quick idea on how much playtime I’ve put in, I’ve only written this up after finishing the story for the first time, so there is still quite an amount of replayability that I can get from this.

Now to go over the gameplay, I think it’s best I try and go over the three protagonists and my experiences with them.

The first protagonist you pick up being Nero, who wields a very standard beginning-DMC load-out, with a sword and a pistol, but as well as a plethora of mechanic gauntlets that can be dispensed and switched out with convenience to help shake up Nero’s experience, whether it’s to set up, or extend your combo game, or to pull yourself out of a bad situation, Nero’s moveset grows quite a lot as the game progresses.

Onto the second protagonist, V, he has the most linear, yet beginner friendly approach to the combat in the game. He uses three companions to attack, one prioritising long range, one for short range, and one that operates off of the special meters, that allows for high, automatic damage. Having all of these options from the moment you play as V, his playstyle operates so that you only need to get close and personal when the enemy can’t fight back, and he needs to land the final hit. While a lot of people find V to be the least interesting, I still enjoyed my time with V, as his super safe playstyle allowed me to get a much better grip over all of the commands that I’d be using for all three protagonists, without needing to pull myself into the training room.

And lastly, everybody’s favourite silver haired Capcom fella, Dante himself. I definitely had the most fun with Dante in DMC V. His loadout starts similarly to how I described Nero, prioritising your sword and pistol for a short moment, as the game provides you MANY more weapons that you can find through story progression, or by exploring the stages as you progress through them. Not only does the diversity of his gameplay cycle do it so much justice, but it’s also the convenience that comes with it. If I wanna swap a weapon? I push one button and I’m onto the next one. I don’t actually like a weapon that he has? I don’t have to bring it with me! Because I already know that I was going to burn through SO MANY Red Orbs if I kept the MJ hat on speed dial.

I’m not going to touch very much on the story, not only because I want to try and keep these reviews on the story side as spoiler free as I can, but also because I’m missing at least four games of context to even talk about, but the story in itself is an easy one to follow, which is nice to see from a Capcom title. If I have a slight gripe when it comes to story/cutscenes, I feel like there was a lot of time between combat on quite an amount of occasions, where there was just a cutscene placed right after a fight that added nothing to what was going on, besides a few seconds of extra time, or even just the cutscenes to introduce every single enemy type, even when I’m sure I’ve seen it once already? I’m sure that this is a problem that will just thin out as I dive into the postgame content however, with the inclusion of Bloody Palace, and feeling like I can skip cutscenes and not feel like I’m missing out now that I’ve seen the story all the way through.

I already know that this is gonna be a game that I’ll chip away at from time to time. The platinum is probably WAY out of my reach, I know how much this game asks out of the player for it and I am definitely not ready for it right now, but I still got that Vergil content to play through, and if you know me, you know that I’m a sucker for Bury the Light.

Maybe I’ll go back and update this review in time if I feel like it’s necessary, but for now, this has been my 8/10 review on Devil May Cry 5: Special Edition. A game that is definitely worth your time.

This game would be better if it were not for V's combat

I want Vergil to play backgammon with me.

Feat. Vergil from the Devil May Cry Series

El epítome jugable de Devil may cry, con uno de los mejores combates en cualquier hack n Slash, con una más que sólida presentación, con una historia bastante decente que supera a de los juegos pasados (menos DmC), con enemigos sumamente variados y con jefes más que espectaculares.

Eso sí; el esquema de los niveles es demasiado lineal para mí gusto, al punto que jode bastante el coleccionismo al no haber backtracking (huh, irónico, el único DMC que no tiene backtracking es justo el que más le requería el tenerlo), pero aún con esas es un excelente juego y el mejor DMC hasta ahora.

This game kicks ass so much. I'm not very good at it, the music can get repetitive, and there are some levels and enemies I think could've been improved on, but still, this game rules. If you're at all interested in character action games, you gotta try this one if you haven't already.

Pretty fucking cool but they didn't cry

Damn I accidentally reviewed the PS4 version whatever yeah fav game ever wish I played it more but ever since I lost my freak I got bad so 😿 but yeah since I already reviewed this IG I can just reminisce uh I remember playing this and thinking the whole time where tf Vergil like I didn't know who he was but like the whole time a boss appeared I was like is he Vergil and when that one urizen fight happened when Dante appeared I was like oh shit that Vergil so thats funny to look back and I sucked at this game Ong like I was okish at the normal enemy battles but like when it was a boss i could maybe get him down to half health before I just used a gold orb to do most of the damage so yeah like the whole time too like i was horrible with nero anr i put all my faith into that rocket fist and blue rose charge for my damage and i was thinking the whole time when i get dante its all gon be worth it but like u can imagine how ironic that thought was like I just used gunslinger and that one spinny wheel move for rebellion(still my fav move in dmc i just think its cool) and when i got to the point that i got devil sword dante (lame name btw) i was so sad that i couldn't do that move anymore obviously i didnt know the moveset enough to know that i could still do it but with different buttons but like yeah really embarrassing but what can a brotha do🤷 and i remember that i promised myself to never use vergil till i beat the game but i got pissed since i was getting stuck on the flash demon for so long that I broke that rule and played vergil and like i said earlier i sucked at this game so you can imagine how shocked i was to get a like instant s tier and hearing bury the light go ham on the first level so i was jaw dropped like holy shit i found my will to live again so when i did beat the game you can imagine how crazy i went learning vergil who to this day is the only character I'm good with the amount of time i spent in training mode is biblical like the day i accidentally did a perfect judgment cut i clipped it and analyzed that shit like a detective man and when i finally sort of got the hang of it dawg i was so happy cus at the same time i was learning about sdt and that you can be in it for like 4 second without wasting the bar n shit AND that it add more power to his moves and can change the moves themselves dawg AND i learned how the concentration bar worked like all that combined I was okay let me see all of this combined on like normae enemies and when i summoned doppelganger by accident i saw that he can dupliacte not only judgement cuts but the perfect ones tok like dawg i was acsended at that moment like so crazy man after that i was okay i know the method imm get wit dante now and i think I opened my third eye like i have shit memory but i still remember over 100 FUCKING MOVES for dante and how each one of them works and what weapon works best for each enemy like i remember lil shit i found so cool how dante can fucking fly in devil trigger and that his wings are his fucking coat like thats genuinely in my top 5 favorite design choices ever man like speaking of designs dantes sdt is still my fav charter design ever like ever since persona 5 i learned i have a thing for multiple wings on one person like c'mon man he looks so cool I like Vergils too especially how the yamato just appears and disappears into his fucking arm sheath like thats so cool man when i finally noticed that randomlly when i was showing my friend a sick ass combo man good times and when first got his devil trigger and he had those wing hands around his should that lets him triple jump with that majestic ass spin like thats so cool man and shoutout to this gane for reminding me how much i love women like lady and nico 😍😍😍😍(lady too but not as much mas those two) especially nico holy shit man i was actually drooling every time she was on screen like i hate that she smoked but like im a changed man id let her put her cigs out on my arms like 😩😩😩😫 anyway yeah the music too like i have no words like i thought devil trigger and subhuman were peak still listen to them if im fight a boss in a dif game and also that voltaic knight theme was so fire btw im happy that when i looked it up people also agree that its hella underrated like if lady is ever playable again she should have a remix of that theme fr but bury the light man like just 🙏🙏 heavenly truely like the only video game music I actually listen too everyday and the only song my retarded can sing the lyrics too without stuttering or forgetting the lyrics man like that shit unironically motivated like playing ghost of tsuhimia multiplayer while playing that shit was just beyond words amazing like i was deadass hard carrying every game i played like i remember playing gold for like the first and having time and having to protect one of the points while fighting ong like 20 or 30 enemies at once perfect playing left and right by myself since they were all down at others dying on the floor and feeling like such a badass when i beat the wave with a pubic hairs worth of health man so cool but yeah everytime i look back on this game its a just great memory that like expand intl more great enemies well somewhat I remember when i got good at the game i mostly played dante since i was literally him back when i was 17 so I named myself on discord literally dante so when i was in my manwhore phase pulling hella bitches my name was literally dante so whenever i think of Dante i think of that era of my life and i feel ashamed but like i said when i was listening to bury the light just feeling cool n shit I decided that i was literally vergil ong like i even played elden ring as "Vergil Sparda" so i rebranding still am vergil to this day ong like I just remembered i used to play this shit when i was jake in re6 mercenaries just parrying and beating tf outta people good times man MOTIVATED/10

game made me shit my pants it was awesome

This game kicks some serious ass. Some of the best combat in gaming. The humor is very self-aware and still indulges in its ridiculousness in all the right ways. After 11 years, this is what the franchise needed. This version adds in Vergil and Legendary Dark Knight difficulty, which gives this game even more replay value than before (it already had six difficulty modes and Bloody Palace). Only complaints I have is that I found the ending to be kinda weak and the game does get a little repetitive around towards the middle. I also think Lady and Trish do absolutely nothing in this game and that's a real shame. They completely get sidelined. But other than that, this game is absolutely amazing. I love how varied each of the three characters feel and the amount of enemy variety present in the game. The overall level design is simple but effective, which works in the game's benefit. This should be the blueprint for future DMC games to come, which, after this one, have the potential to be some of the best games of all time. I highly recommend checking this one out if you're into over-the-top hack-and-slash combat or even want to get into the genre or series. This was my first DMC game and it was super accessible. For newcomers, I do recommend seeing a recap on Youtube. The game itself has a recap but its mostly meant for people who have played the older games before, as it just kinda bombards you with information and not everyone is gonna retain it all. Can't wait to see where Capcom takes this series next, especially with what the ending set up. DMC6 when?

Finally, I get to this game. Last year, in anticipation for Final Fantasy XVI (whose combat director also directed DMC 5's combat), I started the Devil May Cry series. I played through 1, 3 and 4 and really enjoyed all of them, though had some minor complaints about each one. So I was expecting a bit more of the same here, thinking it would be something I enjoyed as much as 3 (which I loved but had some issues mostly with enemy designs). Boy oh boy, I was wrong. Devil May Cry 5 is one of the best action games I have ever played, with a super engaging story, fantastic music, and gorgeous visuals, it is crazy to think how much they got right with this one.

Nero is satisfying in his variety of Devil Breakers, allowing his gameplay to drastically evolve based on which you are using, while also having a great base moveset. Dante is infinitely complex, with 4 melee weapons, 4 guns, 4 styles, 2 devil triggers and being able to combine all of these while also switching on the fly leads to overwhelming choice while never feeling overpowered. V is my least favorite character but he provides a really interesting playstyle that makes for a good pace breaker. My main problem with his control is that he feels like he is missing something from his kit, which actually fits perfectly into his story. Vergil is my favorite to play as, and I really want the next DMC to have him be a playable character from the onset rather than DLC. He is fast, fluid, and makes you feel like a badass the entire time. A game built around his moveset would be amazing. One small thing that isn't much of a problem but a difference from old games is that there is no longer an interconnected world, which has its pros and cons but I think I prefer having the feeling of connectivity.

The story is simple, but great. Most of the story beats you can see coming but what makes it hit is the way it is delivered, the characters being fun and endearing, and how the build up allows the finale to exceed all expectations. This is definitely a story that rewards those who have been playing the previous games and I am very glad I took the time to play the series so I could experience such a satisfying conclusion to this arc.

There were several other smaller improvements such as removing the static camera, reducing the repetitive content, and the addition of a dynamic music system based on style. This made for the first game in this series where I was begging to do another playthrough immediately after finishing, and I am actually almost done with my third playthrough. I enjoyed replaying this so much that I am feeling motivated to go back to DMC 3 and 4 to play those as Vergil. After finally reaching this point in the franchise, I consider myself a fan of this series, and am really hopeful for a DMC 6.

Also, Bury the Light is actually one of my favorite songs of all time.

- Bande-son : tuerie.
- Gameplay : très satisfaisant (j'aimerais bien enchaîner les combos plus de 2s en vrai).
- Histoire : correcte.
- Durée de vie : short and sweet - 10 heures pour la partie Nero/V/Dante, pas encore fait la partie Vergil. Difficulté "pour enfants".
- Performance : 4K60 (ish), sauf cinématiques et lorsque l'action est trop sévère où on est en deçà de la fenêtre VRR.

Mon second DMC, après le mal-aimé DmC auquel j'ai joué il y a plus de dix ans (et que j'avais bien aimé à l'époque), DMC 5 est une claque pour les sens. Entre bande-son de folie et adrénaline à gogo, j'ai juste envie de m'améliorer et réussir à enchaîner les combos / rentrer dans le flow.
J'y rejouerai certainement progressivement sur les mois / années à venir.

La manera ideal de jugar esta quinta entrega. Al ser un “nuevo” título, todo mi progreso tuvo que ser repetido. En ningún momento eso me molestó porque es tan buen juego que repetirlo una y otra vez solo es ganancia. Acabé todas las dificultades con todos los personajes y aún así me quede con ganas de más. Vergil es lo que le sigue de genial, es cabron, me mama repetir su campaña porque es incluso mejor que como lo pinta su pelea final.

This review contains spoilers





Also I loved V's combat, I love summoners so fighting with him was AMAZING

And Nero's???? HOLY SHIT! It's SO MUCH BETTER than DMC4!!!!!!!! His multiple gloves are sooooo fucking AWESOME!!!! I love his propulsion glove where you can pretty much fly arouynd the combat and I LOOOVE me some good air combat.

And get this, the enemies, ACTUALLY WORK ONCE IN DMC'S CAREER!!! There are no enemies that completly break Nero's or Dante's fighting, they are FUN AS FUCK to fiight! And Again, I am a sucker for Summoner's, so I would die for more V combat.

In 4, it was pretty easy to point and say "I like Nero's story chapter more, but I like Dante's combat more"

In 5 I can't tell, I love all of them... Maybe I prefer Nero's flying glove mechanics, but even then, Dante has that cool ass motorcycle and hat, and V, again, Summoner man...

But, I have to admit that Dante's fighting does lack some depth IN COMPARISON to DMC3/4. But it's still some of the best combats in any game ever.

Bro you would not believe me if I told you a pedo who said he was working with Trigger on getting an anime made was my introduction to this fucking game I can't

Probably the best combat in any game, story is short and to the point with very emotional beats. This is peak capcom.

Muito bom! Sistema de combate muito denso e com MUITA variedade, mesmo. O jogo não para de introduzir coisas novas e é sempre um deleite ir criando combos longos e complicados. Acima de tudo, é um jogo muito divertido.

Personagens muito bons e história legal, mas achei o final meio abrupto. O grande trunfo do jogo está na rejogabilidade e na busca pela perfeição nesse tão bom sistema de combate. Infelizmente não sou muito de rejogar títulos, então deixei isso passar.

Mas ainda assim, jogão!