Reviews from

in the past

I love fate!

...if only i was better at fighting games

Very graphically impressive PS2 game. However, it was very lacking in multiplayer content. There aren't many characters or stages, and inputs for supers felt pretty inconsistent. It could be a 3 star, but I didn't like most of the characters I played, and considering the small roster, there were 3 characters total I really liked.

this truly is a game of all time

Awesome fighting game based on my horniest obsession: gender-bender historical figures.

I played as Rin for one match and all I remember is how her legs stretched out like she was Dhalsim or something whenever she kicked. Other than that, it seemed like a neat enough anime fighter.

I mean it lets me play as Archer so it's got that going for it

I played both PSP and PS2 version, but PS2 win because it has better graphic and more moves for my favorite priest and also the AI of the PSP is terrible


It was fun, average game. I think Fate fans must like it a lot.

Tagline should have been "This game doesn't F/UC around". Wallahi TKC combos got me acting unwise.

take this UBW touch of death combo

i LOVE dead fighting games that have no balance whatsoever and are filled with jank!

Had to play the ps2 version cause the psp version (the only version that was localized) has some of the dumbest ai and they simplified the inputs so damn much lmao

Other than that pretty decent fighting game with references to the VN in each character's moves that made me happy to see and pull off in combos

The definition of jank In a fighting game. The fun kind of jank which isn't too surprising as its made by eighting (the same company that developed marvel vs capcom 3)

The level of depth on display here was genuinely frightening, but it's fast and rewarding to a tee. The systems are really easy to understand, the characters feel varied...Unlimited Codes is well rounded and hard to really criticize too much aside from the usual fighter gripes of Arcade Mode boss difficulty being stacked pretty high and unlockables coming at a pretty slow pace. If you're a Fate fan or looking for a new fighter as a genre vet then this is a good one to try out, but otherwise there's not a whole lot to draw in those outside of the fanbase.

I love 8ing fighters, their basic motion and impact animations are so deeply satisfying that playing them even at a casual level is always fun. Esoteric, demanding, and the community's microscopic, but great fun anway.

Coming from a fighting game boomer that really likes games with powerful mechanics and freedom of combos...

This game is amazing. I don't know what they did to make training combos in this game be so satisfying, its crack. The mix of the hit sounds and the speed, and the TK cancelling mechanical motion and mastery, just feels so good I can spend hours labbing this game just exploring combos and routes.

The feel of playing matches is pretty good too, you can sidestep to prevent some zoning and super jump to approach fast at people, you are rewarded for being good at offense, but also the defender has a lot of tools to get back to the game, like Defensive Activation (Burst), Neutral Activation (Health Regen), Guard Cancels, Universal DPs (623C), Push Block.

Has a fame of being a kusoge (shit game) with infinites, but in reality it is a very well made game.

Oh and don't play the PSP version if you can choose, the PS2 version is the real deal.

This review contains spoilers

"Fate/unlimited codes" proves to be a disappointing venture into the Fate series, marked by a confusing narrative, lackluster gameplay, and the regrettable demise of a central character.

Right from the start, the game takes a misguided approach to storytelling, employing inappropriate language and juvenile expressions that add nothing of value to the overall experience. To make matters worse, the pivotal moment of Shirou Emiya's death is handled poorly, lacking the emotional impact it deserves. The narrative fails to engage players, leaving them disconnected from the supposed gravity of the events unfolding.

In addition to the narrative missteps, the gameplay mechanics fail to impress. Combat feels clunky and unresponsive, with a lack of depth that leaves players yearning for a more engaging experience. The unfortunate demise of Shirou Emiya, a crucial character in the Fate universe, is a missed opportunity for emotional resonance, as the execution falls flat and fails to evoke the intended emotions.

In conclusion, "Fate/unlimited codes" struggles to deliver a compelling gaming experience. The narrative choices and gameplay mechanics hinder the overall enjoyment, resulting in a game that fails to live up to the potential of its source material. With a mere 2 out of 10, this title stands as a regrettable addition to the Fate series.

Quando você quer ler Fate mas quer pular o sexo não-consensual

we have Kotomine Kirei combos to grind brother, hop on

Decent fighting game for Fate fans.

varias mecânicas mal implementadas num jogo de combate bem bom do universo Fate. Deve ser melhor no PS2, no PSP a qualidade gráfica e os comandos são meio medíocres. A Saber lily é mto linda.

Poverty Fighters are still unmatched

"But before I go... Know that I am so very grateful. And that I care for you dearly"

Bem divertido e fácil de aprender, porém muito quebrado e com inputs esquisitos

Tem algumas mecânicas interessantes, tipo a de encher a Holy Grail que foi pessimamente projetada, quase não se faz o uso e é um desperdício ser usado nos últimos momentos do round

Elenco bem variado só que não testei muitos personagens, só a Saber me interessava. Aliás, por algum motivo desconhecido a espada dela sumiu quando escolhi a alt 3 e seguiu assim

E a habilidade de parry não devia gastar barra...

Um jogo de luta que você pode ganhar de todos no x2 com a maior facilidade.

Enjoyed the hell out of this not only for how fun everyone was to play (Luvia's wind spin was so cool), but for the story modes as well surprising me with how raw and even emotional they got sometimes. Lancer, Caster and Bazett's routes stand out to me the most. What I don't like is that the only translated version has limited movesets because of the PSP. I doubt I'll try to emulate the PS2 version of this. So Unlimited Codes remake when?