Reviews from

in the past

The idea of a musou game in the style of an NES game is an interesting concept that Gotta Protectors delivers on. I like that not just the visuals are NES-styled but also the gameplay. This is definitely something I could see on that console and the over the top japanese-style comedy got a few giggles out of me... definitely one of the better 3ds eshop titles!

Very cute musou-like game with a bit of crude and self-aware humor. Though while similar to a musou/warriors game, it felt more engaging as the game goes through smaller maps with the aim being to destroy every monster on it. There's also a fairly deep strategy with customizing the character classes themselves. Over time and with material you grind from beating monsters, you can grow an array of skills, weapons and stat-boosting rings to fit the characters with and incentivizes playing around with different setups.

I don't know what kind of madman thought 8-bit musou would work, but I'm glad they did. This is probably one of my favorite 3DS eshop games.