Reviews from

in the past

This is unfortunately a romance visual novel where the romance is the least interesting element. The elements such as magic and cat curses work with the cozy cafe vibe most of the game has, however a lot of the romance arcs suffer from very rushed pacing. Only 2 of the 6 available routes actually felt like they had moderately enough time to be believable. Can't say I would wholly recommend it unless the premise really interests you.

Main character seems to love the uwu bishonen catboy cats, but is so fucking mean to their own lil regular cat. Hate that!

Cute, charming, and inclusive with interesting characters who are unfortunately let down by the uneven writing and the abrupt ending. Not a bad effort, but unsatisfying.

gravery my beloved.................

(Full disclosure: I backed the Kickstarter for this game, but didn't finish all the routes until recently.)

Despite the dark supernatural twist the story takes, Hustle Cat is a cozy little game that leaves me wanting more without overstaying its welcome. The routes are fast, with just enough details given about the world and the curse the characters find themselves under to keep things interesting without ruining the mystery upfront. While the major plot beats are the same for a majority of the arcs, the character writing really shines in this game. Each character's respective route gives them a satisfying arc, and their reactions to the the redone plot elements keeps things interesting. There's also enough details sprinkled around through each route before the "secret" one unlocks that the player can make a good guess about what's really going on before the reveal.

However, that also leads into my biggest complaint about the writing. All of the endings, even one for the secret route, feel abrupt. Immediately after the final battle, the explanation about what's going on with the curse is handwaved with an "I don't get it" from the main character, a last CG is shown, and then credits. At first I thought that this was just a writing choice to build suspense for the secret route, but at the end of that one I was left with more questions. It was a little sad to get to the very end and think, "Wait...that's it?"

My only other complaints about the game are technical. The gallery to this day remains bugged, not showing two game CGs. The skip button still lets scene transitions fully play out, and there's no option to continue skipping after a choice if the text has already been read. This ended up adding a lot to the runtime while playing through the other routes. Also, and this nitpick might just be personal, but the audio mix was too loud on default settings. I nearly blew out my headphones when I first booted up the game.

But with all of that said, Hustle Cat still really charmed me. I wanted to stay in this world with these characters just a little bit longer. There's bits where the game is rough around the edges, but there's real heart and love in there. I can see why people still think fondly of it, and I'd say that anyone interested should give it a try.

This is the sorta game that you can tell I played when I was 13 because its sensibilities are so etched into my being that I can't stream it with friends without feeling like I'm baring a part of my soul to them. Still fresh, charming and sweet seven years later. Mason, Reese and Landry have the best routes.
Secret route is not my favorite but it's optional so I can pretend it doesn't exist <3

i was so excited to play this bc cat cafe! pronoun options! everything about mason! but in the end i was generally bored all throughout and i only felt like. slightly attached to reese and mason. and the ending was anticlimactic. and the secret route made me so uncomfortable but that was on me for not checking beforehand, probably. idk the game just put me off real bad

Fun visual novel, story was well paced and intriguing though I found the ending anti-climactic.

Visual novel focused on coworkers at a cat cafe. Allows you to date women or men and gives you multiple gender options to choose from. Characters are likable and the writing while nothing amazing or thematically interesting fits. I did really like Mason. Some good music. Not the strongest art but looks decent and no character looks or dresses completely ridiculously like in a lot of visual novels. Short and kind of an odd and quickly resolved subplot that would seem much more important and have more of an effect on each route. Not enough cats.

I love this game... so much...................

I owe a lot about my identity and expression to this game

essa é da época que eu só jogava as rotas dos personagens que queria papar e perdia a porra do Lore. mas! eu gosto da arte, parece meio seca mas tem seu charme, e como até os céus sabem, eu sou completamente maluca por gato. você Pode namorar um maine coon. se fizerem um remake desse jogo, eu juro que jogo tudo! fora isso, meio esquecível - eu até devo estar esquecendo algum defeito muito escroto, mas vai ficar por isso mesmo. se for o caso, desculpa adiantada

There are a weird number of steam games allegedly about cats made by people who either do not like or do not understand cats.

te ligas a tu jefe que es un gótico culón y tremendo papu

this game was very cute! love that i can be GAY.

I played the SHIT out of this back in the day. I have def played dating sim/vns that I like better since but I remember this one very fondly.

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cast spell: #BLOCKED
(aka: first playthrough ft. finley route)

Simple and cute but the ending is so unclimactic except for the secret route maybe.

I really like the secret and Mason routes. Finley was just hecka cute. The others were forgettable.

I adore Hustle Cat, the option to date both the girls and the guys, regardless of the pronouns or appearance you pick, is incredibly sweet. Nothing in the routes is locked behind a gender clause, and you can change pronouns at any point midgame if you wish. I personally go with She/Her the full way through, but each character's story is enticing and will make you fall in love with the cast. Avery Grey is an incredibly relatable protagonist for the modern day, too!

I do not know what possessed me to play this but I sure did and boy this was a game that is not for me.

A short and simple dating sim. The characters are endearing, and the world of magic has more depth than what you see on the surface.