Reviews from

in the past

Couldn't get into I Am Bread as much as other funny games from this era. I still had fun, but it left a lot to be desired for me. 5/10

up there with octodad in the "games i watched lets players play as a kid but turns out actually playing these games isn't really fun"

Divertidísimo no absurdo que propón, na súa autoconsciencia e no que é a base da súa xogabilidade: o control en base a controlar as esquinas da rebanada do pan e o seu balanceo. Iso si, faise moi curto e o xogo é dos que rebentan as mans así que botas unha partida algo longa. Pero esa tensión é tamén a que che dá satisfacción ao pasar cada nivel, atopando un dos posíbeis xeitos. Aparte, a "historia" é maxia do absurdo, até o seu epílogo.
O único malo, algún bug que nalgún agarre fixo que tivese que reiniciar o nivel.

Hard as hell! Got presented with the “magic marmalade” on the second level I attempted. Played mostly as a goof to laugh at with friends. We’ll see if we ever revisit it.

First game I ever bought on steam. Dogshit.

This game fucking sucks ass. It’s so difficult and the controls are awful. Got halfway through the 1st level and quit.

yeah the controls are really bad and the game doesnt really tell you where to go, played 2 levels then gave up

A simple frustrating game. Not a lot of meat on its bones but still pretty good

um dos jogos mais bobos que ficaram populares na onda de jogos ruins e estranhos que dominaram o youtube entre 2014 e 2016, tendo controles caóticos, uma gameplay estressante e falha, com diversos bugs e uma ideia fajuta
ele nem consegue ser divertidinho, como Octodad e Goat Simulator, ele é só muito ruim mesmo.

Nunca imaginei ser um pão. Continuo contente não sendo um.

Not as hard as people say but still pretty fun

A friend and I took turns playing this through Parsec and had some laughs. This silly gameplay is what I love to see from indie games - Though, I felt no desire to return after our session.

The plain white bread of video games

we didnt need a hero, we needed an i am bread.

Made on purpose to be frustrating, I am Bread is actually a quite enjoyable game that, if approached correctly, will make for a fun time instead of a frustrating one.

Achieving A++ on all modes and all levels was surprisingly easy, maybe with the exception of Cheese Hunt (especially Garden), which was a bit frustrating not due to the controls, but due to all the glitches happening quite often.

Better when you’re watching your favorite YouTuber play it

Really weird and different

one of the dumbest games ever


its fucking i am bread like its an alright game but its fucking i am bread

Joke game, too bad it fucking sucks! 14 year old me spent money on this shit. Fuck were you doing. Questioning your sexuality and buying dog shit joke games? What a loser. No wonder she didn’t like you back.

Kind of a joke game, so I can't seriously rate it. It's charming, the base gameplay idea is fine, and whatever. But it just doesn't offer a lot of bang for your buck that other joke games like Goat Simulator or JazzPunk, or other indie joke games. The Sound kept bugging out and muting, the load times are fucking abysmal for how small and light this game is, especially considering that you will be reloading later levels a lot.

We were bored as a collective to hype this up.

greide ikkje å sove den natta ej fikk ditta i julegåve, alt ej kunne tenke på va å spele i am bread