Reviews from

in the past

Unfinished feeling, janky, basic shooter that relied on user made content which never got good enough to make the game worth it.

Cool idea but it's kinda boring ngl

Sİlahlar yeterince çeşitli mekan tasarımları çok iyi retro atmosferi çok iyi yansıtılmış, slow mo aksiyon sekansları çok iyi tek sıkıntım işlevsiz tank ve motorsiklet ve düşman tiplerinin çok tekrar etmesi, oyunun genel olarak kısa olması benim için bir eksi değil tadında bırakmışlar en azından

The bones of a fantastic game are in here. The shooting feels fun, and the mid-to-late '90s first-person shooter running on a VHS machine aesthetic is lovely. The inspiration is obvious, and I'm all for that.

Unfortunately, a lot of that is let down by some pretty poor stages. They're all too short for their own good, and while each fulfills a certain theme and idea, none of them really connect in any coherent way. I can only really recommend Maximum Action if you have an affinity for wave-based shooters. If you, like me, aren't mega-fans of that concept, move along or buy this while it's on sale.

Gorillas can be killed by land mines placed along forest paths.

Basically a FPS meant to emulate 80’s and 90’s action movies. It does that VERY well.

Effects are really cool and the game doesn’t take itself too seriously. You can use sandbox mode from moment 1 and just mess around as much as you want. Lots of flashy moves, cool weapons, and AMAZING modding/workshop.

(its still coming out)

Maximum Action has an incredibly strong mechanical foundation, but the game built around it is sometimes lacking.

The inclusion of Steam Workshop support for user-generated content largely saves this game, but the levels included with the base game vary wildly in quality.

a game with a maximum amount of potential, released in the most bare minimum of alpha states. still being updated at a total snails pace, after four years. replay feature is broken, ai is terrible, not even an hour's worth of gameplay in the single-player, every level is also way too fucking short.... yeah. this needs a lot of work.