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fishing sims are not exactly my thing, but this one was pretty decent
the atmosphere and the overall vibes felt great but i really did not expected fishing to be so tedious and methodic (despite being literally born in a village near the river lol).
but i liked it, the only problems i had were the technical issues that caused the videos not to play for some reason. dont wanna spoil the ending, but it was a nice touch too.
nice little game

Let me start off by saying that I did not enjoy Fatum Batula; surreal/psychedelic walking simulators are not my thing. This, however, is rather different from FB and I'm glad for that.

I really enjoyed my time with this game. It's really cozy for the most part, but also kind of unsettling and eerie at times; it strikes a good balance. The sound design is pretty nice and I'm a fan of the music being barely there. These things really make a big part of the experience. I will admit though, I had to look up a guide to find my last three fish and one of the secret lures, but discovering everything else on my own up to that point was a blast.

I'd absolutely love to see a sequel (or see another dev make a similar game) add more fish to catch, another fishing hole or two; maybe even make the lake so big you need a a cute little motor boat to scoot around in to reach the deepest parts. Hell, throw in some hats to wear too, just as a treat. I think those things would be pretty swell in a game with this style and tone.

INCREDIBLE experience that i will likely revisit regularly. this is so my shit it's insane

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this is probably one of the most relaxing fishing games i've played with this graphical style, and i'll probably never play anything like it again. the actual mechanics are pretty well implemented and it's one of the rare cases where the fishing was not annoying to do, i knew exactly what to do without any guidance and was able to catch fish by instincts alone.

the only thing i'd probably include (if it was there i didn't see it) was a guide for the controls and maybe some general tips and tricks, as i only figured out near the end of the game that i could instantly call back my line after about 2 hours of playtime (not really detrimental it's just a QoF improvement).

event spoiler:
there was a part on my second day where i ran into a flatwoods monster cryptid of some sort, which didn't have any bearing at all on the story or mystery of the game, kinda just felt like "something creepy" that could happen. which is fine but maybe something else could have come of it as it felt kinda shoehorned in.

in conclusion for the general side of the game, the visuals were very nicely crafted and good to look at. the music and sounds were quite honestly one of the best parts and added to the tension when nothing was even happening.

for the ending, SPOILERS AHEAD
i will say that a confusing ending is par for the course of these types of games but it was still very interesting visually to look at and i kinda got the idea. i was unsure what exactly happened at the end whether our fisherman fella drowned after being pulled in or it was some kind of hallucination? i was not confident. i will say though the game is very calming and fun to play up until the depths made me shit myself.

A simple fishing game until it isn't. Don't take trigger warnings for granted.

Another banger from Bryce Bucher. The fluctuation between chill fishing game and horror is such an interesting combination. Really wanna know how they got all the claymation stuff in game.

While it doesn’t quite hit the highs of Fatum Betula, I think this is still an exemplary work of art. It’s more gamified than its predecessor, so instead of a surreal walking simulator, this time it’s a surreal… fishing game?

It’s an Ocarina of Time fishing minigame game that successfully captures the creepy liminal atmosphere of gaming’s early 3D-era. People expecting an all-out horror thing are going to be disappointed, as it’s more of an eerie vibe-piece. I’d say it strikes a pleasant balance between relaxing and unsettling.

Unfortunately, the wrap-up seems pretty hastily thrown-together, and it isn’t as complete of an experience as Fatum Betula. Still, it’s a standout little game from one of my new favorite devs.

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Halfway through playing this I realized how remarkable it was that the camera follows your hook into the lake. Instead of viewing your character and waiting for water ripples like many fishing games, you watch your hook sink and see the full life of the fishes in this lake.

This also emphasizes the lake as a character. It's where much of your game time is spent, waiting for fishes to hook on, sometimes just vibing to see a new angle or corner of the lake.

This makes sense for the ending too, when your hook sinks deeper and deeper. you are viewing the lake from a different perspective that your character cant. I wish that had gone on longer actually. Just floating, falling down.

The music is wonderful too, nice ambient tunes that I wish played a bit more often.

Good fishin'. Don't mind the depths!

scary + fishing = gr8. -1 star cause it made me anxious abt fishing irl 😭