Reviews from

in the past

I'm still playing PSO right now so my thoughts could very well change but as it stands currently, this game is on the trajectory to breach my top 10. Seriously.

I have been playing PSO for about a month now on Ephinea with some friends and have had an absolute blast with this game. I love how mysterious Ragol feels as a setting. It's got a quiet, almost calming ambience but every map has this undertone of danger that keeps you on your toes.

Combat is simple, but effective. Weapons feel good and have some nice variance. Other things like techs and traps also add some variety to the combat. It's not a system about combos but rather one about knowing how to position yourself, when to attack, when to pull away. It's exciting! Your character always feels a little vulnerable which adds to that immersion of being a pioneer in an unknown, hostile alien world.

PSO is great. I love the story and the lore of Ragol, the Pioneer project, and the stories of the folks above Pioneer 2. There's a quest where you learn cake is banned and that adults have never seen one outside of history books and I think that's great.

Also playing this game with randomers while drunk on a Sunday evening reminded me that life is good. This makes it a 10/10 video game. Peak of the genre. We need to go back. Games should never have evolved past this point and I'm saying that half as a bit and half seriously.

Play PSO, trust me.

EDIT: I'm currently recording the game and writing a more in-depth review! Please look forward to it.

PSO is one of those games that make me miss couch gaming. A group of us used to go round to one house and play the crap out of PSO on the Gamecube. It holds up surprisingly well on PC, and is surprisingly playable with keyboard (though I need yo figure out how to use a controller)


A classic sci-fi action RPG. If I had to compare it to other games, I'd say it's a bit like Diablo or Monster Hunter. It's got loot with randomized stats/abilities like Diablo, but it has an over-the-shoulder perspective.
Very grindy if you're into that sort of thing. I've been playing since the original Dreamcast release, and this is a strict upgrade on that IMO. It has two expansions along with bug fixes and QoL tweaks, especially if you play on modern private servers (I play on Ephinea, but there are others that have their own tweaks and custom items/quests)

it's still the same old classic PSO but with some cool quality of life enhancements. i'm not usually an online RPG person but there's just something special about this game.

I need everyone to stop sleeping on Phantasy Star Online it is so good. More people need to see the beauty of the OG online titles. It oozes in your face with charm. It literally calls out to you the way that character creation music just hypnotizes you. God......I just can't get enough of phantasy star online


i had a team of high lvl ppl level me up from lvl 1 to 15 in like an hour, took me to the final boss and i saw them demolish it in like 1 and a half minutes, then before leaving they invited me to their guild.
im telling you, this game is peak.

Peak aesthetics i tell you, it's a time capsule of another era of character design.

Over 20 years later, continues to be a refreshingly hands-off, mechanics-based, immediate and human "proto-MMO" experience, with utopian sci-fi optimism about the future of video games/humanity.

Still playing to this day, leveling up and getting new weapons. Nothing has been able to replicate this game's experience.

I usually absoluetly fucking despise online RPGs, but this... this is different. This is now one of my favourite games ever at this point, everythying is on top. The atmosphere, the gameplay, the music, story is cool too. All of that makes for an amazing experience. GOAT

Scratches an itch that no game since has been able to reach. Outstanding soundtrack and beautiful visuals hold up a simple, enjoyable and somewhat clunky gameplay loop.

Lost my wife to this game but gained many more in game by emotionally manipulating them into giving me rare weapons.