Reviews from

in the past

Genuinely not a bad sleep tracker if you have the PoGo++. I like my good sleep habits to be rewarded with numbers going up so this works for me.

very cute, just not something id ever use long term unfortunately

Logged this game every day I played it till I missed a day and missed the whole weekend thats a bit embarassing. As a Pokemon game this is really lackluster and as a sleep tracker it is okay and it works. The pokemon collecting always leaves you one food bar away from collecting the Pokemon and I started to run out of biscuits fast so it starts to push you to spend money on the subscription or diamonds. Could be better.

Played since day 1, Fixed my sleep schedule, shiny hunting is fun, making food

Helped fix my sleep schedule for a while before I learned to cheese it. Would like to give it another try sooner than later.

Seems kind of neat. it was pretty accurate with the date it collected but its a bit creepy it records you all night.

Unironically this has brought me a lot of joy and helped me keep an eye on when I go to sleep. Progress is very slow (I ve been trying to evolve this shiny Pupitar for months), but I really enjoy interacting with it 3-4 times a day

i have never had issues with my phone's battery while playing this and it's relatively old so i have no idea what other people are complaining about but also after so long waiting for it, i found it a little underwhelming in terms of visuals and features? particularly the music you can put on while you're sleeping, it's just a shitty loop that eventually turns off after ~20 minutes. i feel like it could easily be more relaxing when you have it open

i would recommend getting and playing it with some friends because that's the biggest reason it appeals to me; my boyfriend and i have each other added on pokemon sleep which makes me more than a little happy

Played it while slept over on it. Best game.

Jokes aside I wish I could enjoy it better since it gives battery issues to my phone and I don't like the idea of keeping it always charged because of this game AT ALL.

So far, i haven't had a bad experience with Pokemon Sleep. I've had a bad habit of going on my phone in bed, but Pokemon Sleep changed that for me & made it easier for me to stay away from my phone in bed & I give it credit for that


this shit killed my battery

the gameplay loop isn’t very engaging but it’s a game you dont have open for more that 5 minutes at a time so it’s not really offensive. makes me pretend i have better sleeping habits. Why does this have a battle pass though?

also too many loading screens and i got bored of it after 100 something days. served its purpose

I don't know who created Pokémon Sleep, but I want to figure out how to get them to have Pokémon Sleep to the polls

Minus two stars because the sleep pass is so expensive. Also because Zoroark isn't in the game. OtherwisZzzzzz

requires internet to monitor your sleep??? not a huge fan of that, and the daytime bit where you actually play is boring as fuck

You barely "play" here but it's a fun thing to wake up to

sigh where do I start and only one I say:

My phone's getting hotter everytime they say "Do not turn off the screen and let it on", like bro, my phone is hot after this even I placed on charger.

And idk if this is a good sleep tracker but I guess it is cool sleep tracker but again, my phone was hot after this.

Now I've stopped using it cuz, well like I said above.

Cute and adds a nice little incentive to trying to fix my awful sleep schedule

pokemon drain your phone battery. pokemon diy bomb

Essa porcaria trava mais que cyberpunk em celeron. A ideia tinha tudo pra ser legal, mas optimização não é o foco da BIG N

- mimir time-
Lo probe muy poco pq me dio miedo que mi telefono se calento mucho y aparte de que con ciertos ruidos fuertes me cortaba el sueño dentro del juego this a "game"? I guess that's up for debate, but I see this more as a tracker.

I've been playing this since day 1 expecting very little. It blowed pretty hard until recently (I'm writing this as of January of 2024, and it's had multiple refined updates since its launch).

Before the big updates, I had to rest my phone on an ice pack wrapped in a towel. Yeah. It was that bad. I dont know why, but I still wanted to keep going. I guess I was holding out for it to fix itself (which it did, since I no longer have to use an ice pack. I made sure to gently pester the developers of this game about the heating + crashing problem)

Honestly I like how simple this game is. I dont have to be "the best" at anything, I just need five little guys with me to help track my sleep. That's it. I will say the rewards for leveling up suck pretty badly, and you'll want to be saving up all your Pokemon biscuits as much as you possibly can (which is really hard when you need to record and befriend Pokemon to progress to new "sleeping areas"....)

Anyway, I think its a cute way to track sleep. That's all it really is. Its not very deep or complex, and I only need to open the app 3 times a day. It's relieving to have a game not pester you constantly to keep it open and keep playing, so I like how lax it is.

Also for some reason I get an insane amount of shinies. I've gotten about 6 so far and I have no idea why. I've never gotten a shiny in all the years I've played Pokemon so I suspect they raised the shiny rate to attract players? maybe? It's cool but strange.

caught the sound of my neighbor accidentally putting a hole in my wall with a 9mm

mira, lo juego, me conecto todos los dias y sinceramente me encanta. para los que no saben, mas que un registro de sueno, es un juego incremental, cuando te despertas aparecen pokemon salvajes y vos elegis cual capturar, la idea que armes un equipo con los capturados y aumentes la puntuacion que se reinicia semanalmente. siendo de celular si pones plata vas mucho mejor, en f2p hay dias que no vas a capturar pokemon. siendo f2p, la lentidud del juego a mi personalmente me gusta, el juego va a depender de las actualizaciones, que por ahora parece que van a ser muy lentas. sorprende muucho como intentaron que cada pokemon sea util, hay un intento de balance bastante profundo detras de lo ridiculo que es el juego, y te permite armamr distintas estrategias, capaz mas alejadas del "meta". mucho potencial y vemos como llega a fin de ano