Reviews from

in the past

It's a decent game, it's much better than the Japanese version of it "Power Blazer", it has better graphics and functional gameplay, but it has certain problems like having to be forced to meet up with some random guys that you meet in the level that They give you a card so you can find a numbered door and then face the boss, it would be cool if it was in just a few stages, because every stage you can choose which one you're going to play like in Mega Man, every stage you need to find these characters to get the damn card and each stage you advance they get bigger and a little confusing leaving you stressed and even very tired, and to make matters worse the enemies repeat themselves A LOT, making the game very repetitive and then you notice that the level design is always more of the same because 90% of the levels are more vertical than horizontal and there is also a problem that if you let go of the stairs even with a platform below the screen, you die, unlike Mega Man where you just fall and go to the screen. low. All in all, it's a decent enough game, but it's really nothing special.

Un divertido juego de accion con sus zonas complicadas. Buen diseño en general.

Really solid action-platformer. A bit on the easy side, but that's not a bad thing at all. I had a great time playing it, and it has music from Kinuyo Yamashita (of Castlevania and Mega Man X3 fame), so fuck yeah

Much like with Digger T. Rock, I myself am not too familiar with this game either. The only time I had ever experienced it was when I watched a playthrough of it, and I thought it looked interesting, and only a mere five months later, I finally decided to check out Power Blade. And aside from it looking completely ridiculous, with the Arnold Schwarzenegger wannabe on the front cover and the title screen, I actually found myself having a really good time with the game, and I think it is really good. It’s not exactly the most exciting or original game that you can find on the NES, but it was still worth finally checking out after all this time.

The story involves master computers, the future, and aliens, so you know you are definitely playing an NES game, the graphics are pretty good, even if they aren’t the most interesting thing to look at, the music is pretty good, the control is very solid and feels great to handle, and the gameplay is simple, yet effective with the ways it differentiates from other games at the time.

The game is an action 2D platformer, where you go through various stages, defeat enemies, gain items and powerups, and defeat bosses, so basically every other game on the NES in a nutshell, but this one does stand out from others in several ways. First off, unlike most other games at the time, you don’t just move from Point A to Point B in order to beat levels. Instead, you have to find a contact in each stage, who will give you an ID card that you need to access the boss of each stage. It may not seem like too much, but this extra step does allow for more exploration and location recognition, which makes the stages much more memorable as a result, and varies the gameplay enough to feel somewhat unique from others.

In addition, the versatility you have with your weapons, as well as the weapons themselves, also helps in making the game more fun and interesting. You wield a giant boomerang as your main weapon (which is the dumbest thing ever), which you can throw in 8 directions, which you can get upgrades for from enemies, as well as increasing the power of said boomerang by collecting stars. In addition, there is also a Power Suit that you can find in every level, which not only gives you extra hit points, but also gives you a more powerful attack that helps out a lot in certain scenarios. And finally, you can also find grenades that basically act as screen nukes, and finally cans of some unidentified food that can fully restore your health. It’s not the most creative or interesting selection of weapons and items, but they are very helpful at taking on threats that you will be facing.

I really have no complaints about the game overall, it is pretty solid, and I would consider it to be a hidden gem of the system. If I could complain about anything, I would say that the entire game does feel very generic. A lot of elements blend in together, such as level themes and enemies, with them reusing a lot of the same enemies throughout all the levels, and even just by taking a look at the game from an outside view, it doesn’t really look all that interesting, as it looks like every other NES platformer at the time. Despite that though, the game is still pretty fun, and hey, it even managed to get a sequel, so that must mean it had some amount of success back in the day.

Overall, while not doing much to stand out from the crowd, I would say this is a heavily overlooked title for the system that is short but sweet, and if you haven’t checked it out already, you definitely should. It gets two thumbs up from me. Let’s just hope that the sequel turns out to be as good as this one, or else it will be too clear on why this series died afterwards.

Game #187

Really cool hidden gem from later on in the NES's lifespan. Power Blade has some cool level design where you take more of an exploratory approach as opposed to more traditional progression. In 1992 this was still relatively uncommon, and I feel this does it quite well given your mobility options are limited to running and jumping. It can lead to you missing a crucial key to get into the boss room, so I probably would have preferred seeing them make the levels a bit more complex while removing the keycode need. As mentioned, movement is limited and your upgrade path is basically just increased range and power armor to help tank a few shots and get a larger spread for your weapon. In hindsight. You lose this progress upon death and it feels pretty unsatisfying to play without the upgrades, so there are some pretty critical flaws (Unless you use save states to keep all your shit, which I definitely did). Perhaps the game was only fun because I removed those design barriers? It doesn't really matter because this is MY REVIEW. And my review says Power Blade is pretty cool. 4/6

An average NES side scrolling action game. Your boomerang weapon is dull to use when it isn't upgraded and the need to find a character in six of the stages to give you a code to open the boss door can be an annoying feature if you miss them and then have to backtrack.

One of the most well-made NES side-scrollers. Controls are great, levels are good and non-linear, graphics are great, music is great. The glaring problem is the boss fights, which feel uninspired and often too easy.

The level designs, art style and music feel like a melded version of Mega Man and Castlevania. It all comes together to make a pretty decent action platformer.

There isn't much about this game that stands out but it's pretty fun.
Many of the enemies are extremely derivative of those in other games. I'm pretty sure the bats are ripped straight from Castlevania and one of the other enemies is traced from the player sprite in Contra.
There's a shump-esque satisfaction to exploding dudes and the upgrade system, especially after suffering through Power Blazer.
None of the stages or bosses are particularly challenging (except for the second for some reason?) or memorable since they don't really follow a specific theme (ex. in Power Blazer, one of the stages has some kind of bio/organic thing going on with plant enemies and boogers that fall from the ceiling and a boss that's a giant beehive. In Power Blade, however, this tileset is not utilized as much for that boss's stage and IIRC also appears in an optional area in one of the other stages?).
There's an "expert" mode but it doesn't change anything besides adding Castlevania-style knockback (but only on certain hits?) and making the time limit much stricter, which does make for some close calls but usually doesn't pose much of a threat.
Music is pretty good I guess.
I suppose it's nice to play a NES side-scroller that doesn't put up much of a fight once in a while.

Twenty-second GOTW finished for 2023. Really surprised by this one. Still not even sure what the story was about, but the game was very fun. More of an exploratory approach than your typical platformer, which can be real annoying when you initially miss an informant, but certainly not something I'm used to seeing from a NES game with an action hero on the front. Weapon power ups are a little limited, but it feels great to get your hands on the Power Suit and then mow enemies down. Some pop-in enemies due to the system's limitations, but nothing felt unfair or cruel in it's difficulty or placement. Bosses were mostly pretty easy, especially with the Power Suit. The music is absolutely banging and real fun for each level. Overall, pretty pleased with this one!

Pleasant surprise ! randomly found this game and was not sure what to expect but I honestly had a very good time. Very short game sitting at 7 levels it was a very quick finish and honestly a part of me wanted a few more levels. This is a side scrolling action game and a good one at that !

I will say the level design is really cool and interesting as this isn't a linear game you NEED to explore each level to find the key that will allow you into the boss room and I honestly enjoyed that aspect since the levels were well done. You have only 2 weapons to use which is a boomerang and grenades which you have a limited amount to use. The boomerang is fun to use and the longer you wait to throw it the farther it will be thrown. The grenade just wipes out the screen of enemies there isn't anything else to it. There is a suit you can find in each level that will give you free HP and a upgraded Beam boomerang and it is a very good weapon.

This is honestly a nice little hidden gem on the NES and I highly recommend giving it a go!

There are BATS in this game!

In the 22nd century you have to fight goddamn BATS!

WHY are there always goddamn BATS in these games?!!?!?!