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This was my first time ever playing Silent Hill 2. The effort the Enhanced Edition team put into making the PC port as faithful as possible AND as workable as possible is astoundingly amazing. Definitely the best way to play Silent Hill 2 outside of having the original on PS2.

The sheer dedication this team puts into this game is astonishing

Ну что сказать, блубер тим такой проработки точно не сделают)))

I'm genuinely speechless after finishing this. I can't put my feelings into words. Fucking masterpiece of a game.

they don't make em like they used to

I started this just to test out the Enhanced Edition and 6 hours later I was crying because of the letter all over again. As an experience, I think its basically perfect. An absolute masterwork of storytelling. Still haven't played Born From a Wish.

SH2 is mid but this mod is one of the best I've ever seen. Completely remasters the game for modern PCs which makes playing it feel absolutely sublime. Hope 3/4 get something like this in the future.

Não quero dissertar sobre mas esse jogo é mitada

A slowly accelerating internal nightmare. That's all, the game gives quite powerful feelings that allow you to survive in such a short period of time the loss of life and the suffering in it.

Медленно разгоняющийся внутренний кошмар. На этом все, игра дает достаточно мошные чувства, которые позволяют пережить за столь короткий период времени потерю жизни и страдания в ней.

The modders responsible for this touch up of an absolute classic like Silent Hill 2 deserve all the praise they can get. Truly an incredible project that helps preserve an absolutely legendary entry in the survival horror genre that Konami has failed to preserve themselves over the years.

Harika hikaye, harika atmosfer.

Truly a fascinating approach to a sequel to the original Silent Hill. It does away with the direct cult shenanigans centric narrative of the first one and focuses instead on a purely internal and personal psyche-based plot. And honestly there isn´t much of plot here, which works in favor of what the game is trying to do and say.

Right now I feel like I like this approach to Silent Hill better. Here the surrealism and insanity doesn´t just come from a supernatural presence, it´s internal and more up in the air with its reasoning and motivations. More obtuse I would say, and doesn´t really want to give answers to its events, which I like and appreciate. It’s through this approach that it clearly becomes a more mature experience than its predecessor.
The David Lynch inspiration comes easily. There´s this uncanny sheen to every element of this game’s story and overall structure. An uncanniness that I tend to associate with the surreal and zany elements of Lynch’s oeuvre. But because of its nature as a digital interactive medium, the ‘videogame-ness’ of it all adds an extra, very particular, layer of weirdness and surrealism to the experience.

While most locations didn´t necessarily feel as fresh or shocking as they are fairly similar to what is to be found in the previous game (excepting some really fascinating ones in the latter section of this one), the characters are a clear standout. They feel developed, interesting and memorable in a way no character in Silent Hill 1 felt. Obviously, this is all the more clear with the player controlled character. Here James is a real protagonist, with an arc, and actual three dimensionality as a person. Even Mary, the fridged wife, has more of a personality than any character in SH1.

In terms of gameplay, it´s very simple and pretty much identical to SH1, you’ll walk around, read clues, pick up useful items, check your map, solve a puzzle here, solve a riddle there, kill a monstrous abomination with a steel pipe or a gun, stomp on it a little to really make sure its dead. Not hard per se, just kind of obtuse like pretty much every other game of this type that released around this time. But exploration is fun, and spooky and the environments are so rich and detailed that it’s worth it.

You are mostly here for the story, the scary atmosphere, the truly fucked up designs and environments, and I must make special mention of the musical score, which absolutely fucks hard. It’s some insanely good music, some of the best ever written for the medium, and an album that now listen to often.
A horror game that knows how to deliver a proper gut punch. I loved the ending I got this time around, and the final letter that plays before the credits just destroyed me.

‘Born from a wish’ is short, so play it too, but it doesn’t really add anything all that interesting. I guess it worked as a bonus for certain game editions at the time of its release, but pretty much non essential.

I played the Enhanced Edition on PC, at 60 fps, and it plays and looks flawlessly. It feels like a modern port pretty much, this must be the best way to play this game today. I’m extremely curious about this new remake that is being developed by Bloober Team, as I truly do not understand how you remake this game for modern audiences without changing plenty of stuff that make it special and would fundamentally alter any experience one could have with it. I’m not saying it would be bad, I just don´t believe that it would be a superior experience, nor the definitive one as with the Resident Evil 2 Remake, just a very different one that I’m very much looking forward to trying out.

It used to be that if you ever wanted to play SH2 the intended way, you'd have to either get your hands on a PS2, or deal with some emulation issues.
It is not the case anymore, while Konami may shit all over this game with remasters and remakes that should have never existed to begin with, this is the definitive way to play Silent Hill 2 for first time players and those who have mastered it.

Una absoluta obra de arte. No tengo mucho para decir mas allá del hecho de que me voy a acordar de esto por mucho tiempo, le voy a dar vueltas a la historia y a lo que significa, le voy a dar vueltas a James y Angel y Eddie, quien es Maria? Laura siquiera existe? Un análisis profundo de la psiquis humana, como nunca habia escuchado de una historia similiar? Es la idea que siempre quise, Babadook pero realmente bien hecho, mucho mas oscuro y profundo. No puedo esperar a rejugarlo, encontrar detalles. Teorizar, leer análisis y ver video essays- Realmente un clásico. La atmósfera es tremenda, la sensación de desesperación y horror es brutal y estuve todo el tiempo at the edge of my seat, incómodo, con ganas de no estar en donde estoy. Brillante

A 10 día de terminarlo sigo pensando en este juego. In my restless dreams, I
see that town. Que historia, que locura. Que humano, que intenso, que emotivo. Sigo pensando en Harry y en su decisión, en su sufrimiento y su agonía. Pienso en Mary, pienso en Angela. Pienso en María, que ni siquiera existe. Quien es Laura?

That was incredible but I'm such a coward lol, had to play this in short bursts because I would get so immersed and stressed. Does not help that my name's James too. But yeah, happy to finally know why SH2 is considered one of the best games ever - a real "I get it now" moment. Plus now I can enjoy the OST I loved even before playing this with context. I've already spent hours on further videos and reading like this excellent page:

(I know I could've pulled back the curtain and game-ified it by recklessly charging through every new level until dying and reloading saves with enemy + area layouts memorized but I wanted to keep the experience "pure")

La manera correcta de jugar Silent Hill 2 a día de hoy, es una experiencia que hay que jugar sólo, leyendo y poniendo atención a todo lo que ves en pantalla.

Ambientación, Visuales, Sonido, Personajes.. 10/10

Deja que Silent Hill te atrape..

Silent Hill 2 Enhanced Edition 4K 60fps Longplay Walkthrough Gameplay No Commentary

Silent Hill 2 is just about as good as anyone who played it will tell you it is, but I also think that it's internet discussions - and discussions about the Silent Hill franchise in general - are a bit misguided and shallow. This is a very intorspective game by nature, it is impossible to talk about it and add anything substantial without leaving yourself a bit vulnerable. However, I myself am a bit of an hypocrite coward, so I'll take about things I really find compelling about this game without any spoilers.
I really love how the game leaves so many things up to interpretation about what trully happened in the story, trully a mysterious game by it's nature. Not only because you need to interpret the events from the game, but concepts, locals, characters' actions and such.
The supporting cast does a fenomenal job at helping this "mystery" about psyche grow in a constantly interesting way, even if they are lacking many times. Their actions and REactions are really important and add a lot to the story. That's what many people tell, but I really like to think about what it means for them to be there. I personally believe that those characters aren't just there to add substance, but also to guide you to unravel more behind James Sunderland's struggles and thoughts. I like the idea that maybe even more than characters, these people are ideas that are molded by the protagonist.
I also think that your reading of the story may vary depending on your own living. Maybe you won't understand a certain character's choice or action, but I think that even this misunderstanding makes the game more eary and interesting. It doens't try to spook you, generally speaking, it seems more interested in disturbing you through it's content and implications. The scariest thing in the game to me was something that many players might not even see in their first playthrough.
I don't really know how to write a conclusion to all of this, I'm not a professional... uh...
Please play the Silent Hill games

Would adore to play this again, genuinely the best way to play SH2.

played it again for the first time in years and. yeah this is just indisputably one of the best games ever made

El verdadero remake de SH2 y una obra maestra del terror psicológico

Comunidade pica fizeram um remaster pra Konami que aliás pqp kkkkk que incompetência, podiam ter lucrado mto com um remaster dos silent hills da época de ouro igual a capcom fez com RE 1, 2 e 3

I put off playing the original for years, even though I've known and loved it for ages. I watched multiple playthroughs of it back then but never played it myself because I was always too scared to play it as an adolescent and young adult. I was just very sensitive to horror and have only now, at the age of 32, been able to catch up :D

It's incredible how well this game has aged. The atmosphere created by the great sound design and the graphic elements, as well as the level design, is incredibly dense. Of course, I already knew the story, but it is still very interesting, profound, mysterious and emotional. I already knew that the voice acting was a bit cheesy, but in some strange way it actually fits the story very well. I absolutely love how James' inner life is reflected in the world. I was also very touched by the stories of the NPCs, who are fighting their own demons and whose world looks very different to that of the player. I found Angela in particular and her fate very gripping and the theme of her trauma very tastefully handled. I was surprised by how easy the game was. I played on "Normal", was always quite frugal with the ammunition and ended up with several hundred rounds of ammo for all weapons :D I think I can be a bit more generous in future runs.

All in all, a unique experience which, with the Enhanced Edition, also runs totally smoothly on modern PCs.

Replayed with the enhanced edition
still holds up. maria and james never looked better

This review contains spoilers

The presentation and plot of the game is great, the gameplay is pretty good, but clunky. A really frustrating chase scene and awful semi final boss fight are the only two blemishes on an otherwise great survival horror game. Also some small bugs happened throughout my time with the enhanced edition.

My Favorite Game of All Time. Again.