Reviews from

in the past

I like that it is more of a proper stealth game than 2 felt most of the time. Africa was a solid setting as well.

A stepping stone for the later Sniper Elite games, this game stumbled forward so the ones who came after could flourish. I think as a whole it's pretty good but it's clear the mission design sorta struggles to keep things fresh after the first true mission (which is also it's most open feeling mission). By the end and the 5th or 6th tank battle you're sorta ready for things to end. I just mostly can't see myself replaying this one, but I enjoyed my time all the same.

X-ray cam never gets old too.

Mdr tirer dans les couilles ahah zizi couilles bite

Genérico a más no poder, tu francotirador realmente solo lo puedes usar en lugares concretos si no quieres que te oiga todo el mapa, las otras armas no se sienten bien al dispararlas, a veces te ven enemigos que tardan 1 minuto en llegar corriendo a donde estas (y que tu por supuesto no puedes ver), las misiones pocos claras, la historia muy mala.... No merece la pena.

Well, it's certainly a marked improvement from the last entry, but it's still not quite enough to be worthwhile.

Sniper Elite III takes things from the dreary, war-torn streets of Berlin in the final days of the Second World War back to the North African front in the early 1940s. This change in scenery gives the game a nice, unique look and a visual upgrade from the last one, even in its remastered form.

With these new sandy vistas comes an upgrade in level and game design. Having learned from last time, this third entry, while still very much baked in linear objectives and intent, allows a lot more freedom in its levels this time, giving you several different paths to approach your objective from. These alternate paths also come with optional side objectives that serve no purpose other than granting you some extra XP that goes towards unlocking new weapons or reticles for your rifle.

In conjunction with this new approach to its level design, Sniper Elite III also vastly improves its stealth mechanics, making sneaking an actual viable option now. In fact, it encompassed a good 90% of my playthrough. You now have an eye indicator to show your visibility, as well as a stealth melee prompt and a lot more opportunities to mask your noise.

All of this serves to make the overall Sniper Elite experience a lot more palatable, and yet, I wouldn't say it's enjoyable still. Not to sound picky or anything, but much of the game feels like you're just going through the motions in a very dull way. Perhaps this is down to the continuing issue of the lack of an engaging narrative or purpose for embarking on these missions, or perhaps that the objectives themselves are uninspired.

There's really no one level that stands out in Sniper Elite III; it all just kind of blends together by the end.

Despite this, I did still have a better time with the third entry than I did in V2, and while there are still areas for improvement next time, after everything I've heard about the fourth entry, it sounds like they've once again outdone themselves.


Seems like each release of this series gets better. Interactive maps that you can tackle in different ways were added and done very well. Keep it up Rebellion.

Nada de diferente, parece que é mais fácil de ser furtivo que no V2, os mapas são maiores, é mais diversos que os do anterior (que era apenas Berlim), bem divertido.

British field marshals be like 'I know a place' then take you to Halfaya Pass.

Solid fun, good missions, nice enough graphics. I've played this a few times through, which says something in itself.

Runs really poorly on PC on top of a stupid game. The AI is pretty brain dead and the only challenge comes from how much damage the enemies too or what nonsense the game throws at you. The game just pulls you along a path and sets you up so you don't get detected and it will mask your shots for you. The maps are also around 40 minutes each which really is a slog.

430 mlg is back pero en africa

nothing special but shooting balls is fun

o jogo é bom mais não merece 5 estrelas

I started this series with the 4th game and it was fantastic.

Going back to 3 I noticed how improved 4 was however I've got to say I enjoyed the locations and missions more in 3 at the time of finishing.

I may have to go back and play 4 as I do prefer 4 overall but 3 was really a special game the story was kinda whatever but the locations music and gameplay were all really fun.

Понравилась меньше прошлой части. Локации менее запоминающиеся. Все миссии похожи одна на другую. Но все еще очень веселая стрельба и улучшенный X-Ray

This is exactly what you wished for while playing Sniper Elite V2, and it works well. The levels are actually open now and allow you to do everything with a greater variety and generally more fun. With 'everything' meaning the constant loop of shooting a few times and changing position. Oh well. At least they switched up the grey scenery for yellow scenery, eh?

not a huge fan of the level design of this one it was trying to be mgs i feel like and it just was not
but still u can shoot balls

Only sniper game that you can shoot balls.

Lo mismo que el v2, jugablemente peor y cortito como la anterior entrega, sin más.

Another generic, uninteresting story entry accompanied by competent gameplay. Personally, I preferred the level design of V2 over this but I also felt like this was a bit more fun. It's also too easy in comparison. What else can I say, really? There's not much to talk about. If you've got nothing else to play or you're just passing time, I'd say this is a good candidate of games to play.

Playing Sniper Elite III was a bit like finding the missing link in human evolution as far as it's own series goes. I had previously played 4 with it's huge open maps, followed by V2 with it's incredibly linear level structure. Sniper Elite III hits somewhere in the middle and feels like the worst game of the 3 for it. It doesn't have the tight design of 2 or the absolute freedom of exploration of 4. It should be in the goldilocks zone but actually ends as the worst of both. The game's setting also doesn't do it huge favors with lighting and level design. It feels like a huge amount of bloom, often limited fov when zooming in on the distance which is pretty awful for a sniper title.

The biggest offence though is the lack of slow motion cams of bullets x-ray smashing Nazi fascists in the face. It pulls a bit of a switcharoo anyway, I play these games co-op with a friend and the first level on the first 3 enemies we get the cam, one of the best parts of the series. We're laughing, excited. Then not another one for the rest of the game learning it's removed in co-op except those first 3 enemies.

Our disappointment was palpable.

All that said the game is still pretty fun overall. planning attacks with a friend in co-op to try and be stealthy as possible, the ability to customize load outs, and the excellent performance. It was a cross gen PS3, PS4 title yet runs incredibly smooth 60fps which their later game Strange Brigade couldn't match at all is an odd one.

All in all this game is fine. it's the start or prototype for what the series will become. It almost never goes on sale however and when you can get Sniper Elite 4 ultimate edition with all DLC in sales for £7-8 all the time? It's not really worth going back to this except for curiosity.

+ Relatively fun to play over a few evenings.
+ Excellent feeling performance on PS5.

- No X-ray kills in co-op.
- Level design and visuals feel a bit meh.
- Can get better games in the series much cheaper.

I bought this on sale to see the funny x-ray kills in all they're glory and boy are there a lot of them.

A standard shooter campaign so far, but as I am a fan of sniping and stealth in shooters, I'm having fun with it.

Um jogo de Stealth bem diferente. Lembro de ter feito quase tudo só usando a Welrod e é bem complicadinho, mas usar as perturbações sonoras pra ofuscar disparos são as principais armas do jogador, bem único, bem divertido.

The same but with some improvements

Sniper Elite has somehow milked the novelty of the bullet time gimmick for several games, and its still pretty enjoyable.

Solid enough game. A great example of the downsides of realism in video games; the maps are so big but you'll probably be playing stealthily the entire time, but seeing as you're crouched, you'll move pretty slowly and progress will take forever. Sniping feels very satisfying, especially the slow-motion camera. Some technical issues with getting blocked by objects, not being able to pass through or under things it looks like you should be able to pass by/through and sniping over cover is a nightmare. Africa is a neat setting but is kinda underutilized, as none of the maps really seemed that incredibly unique to me, although there are some neat structures and settings, most of it feels like a very bland desert. Decent game, but it has superior alternatives.