Reviews from

in the past

What the hell I love Sad Dad games now

Absolutely stunning game. Loved the combat, story, characters and world-building.

Kæmpe fucking banger. Fantastisk historie, og et sjovt spil som er bygget op omkring at støtte op om historien. Kan dog bedre lide serien fordi der kan de bedre fokuserer på historien istedet for at skulle have en skyde sektion en gang imellem ik.

Le début d'une grande histoire.

Un classique de Playstation.

Clap clap bravo Naughty Dog pour les émotions

Stunning and impactful. A must-play.

One of my favorite games of all time. Great narrative and gameplay. and world and everything.

Wish I could play it for the first time. Amazing.

genuinely one of the most overrated games ive played. the gameplay is really fun at times but youre very limited on ammo. on paper it sounds cool your in an apocalypse but it just gets repetitive and boring at times. running around for hours on end doing puzzles to get a fuel going just to go the other way because that wasnt the right way and the characters werent anything crazy either. joel and ellies dynamic was ok at best and joel was a mid tier protagonist.

What can I say about The Last of Us that hasn't been said already? The story is spectacular and the gameplay is fun. The story certainly outshines the game mechanics but the great narrative and characters make it worth playing.

one of the best games of all time

When I put the controller down realising I just finished the game I just sat there thinking "This is the best game I've ever played".

Its Something About This Game That Makes Me Safe And Happy

Tlou1 leaves me with a sense of wow what a great game but also wow do i wish this wasn't made. The direction this sent triple AAA games while also enabling a raging buffoon to act like he's kojima 2.0 just leaves a foul taste in my mouth. I know its not the games fault but like are you kidding me how did we learn the WRONG lessons from this.

Well the story is engaging,
The gameplay is secondary

les graphismes vraiment j’étais abasourdie

it took me like a week and a half to finish this game including the weekend long break i took because i was too chickenshit to do the hotel basement. i really liked the gameplay though some parts of it annoyed me a little and the development of joel and ellie's relationship throughout the game was seriously enjoyable to experience. the ending left me conflicted in a good way

A better rendition of an already great game.

Replayed, still very good.

LINDO. Não tem oq falar apenas jogue oq é uma das melhores narrativas já executadas em todos os âmbitos da arte.

It's alright, it's not a masterpiece though
the world has to stop treating it as one

PEAK. I love zombie genre so this was a must play for me. If you haven't played yet you're missing out big time you need to experience this. I remember playing this for an entire weekend non stop and it was one of the best times i've had gaming.

one of the best games I have ever played in terms of how well it plays with both gaming and cinematic languages to create a highly immersive, emotional and affecting experience that manages to take so many well known story beats and tropes and elevate them into an astounding experience. everything blew me away. it also reminded me that i am really bad at shooters.