My taste is right and all of you basic losers who have tlou in your top 5 are annoying.

Dexter is the greatest media i have ever witnessed.
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Playing this rn I’d say about 2 hours if it is cutscenes and about 20-30 minutes is gameplay. After despising mgs2 this game is actually entertaining with a great story and not a 2d fucking look above your head movement.

Underrated asf. Extremely fun game with friends and addicting to get the combat down. Surprised this doesn’t have much more hype considering how revolutionary it seems and is.

all the hate for this game is weird in my opinion. playing this game in 2020 covid with my friend was unmatched. the multiplayer was really fun and the story maps were so fun and creepy. this game is one of the most overhated games ive played. while yes it might be buggy and they did some things wrong, this game is still a hidden gem.