Reviews from

in the past

Perhaps a bit barebones, but I found it quite enjoyable to go through. I'm sure nostalgia has some part to play in this, but I'm fascinated with how flash games from this era managed to pull people in. They knew that the competition was insanely saturated so if you wanted to stand out your game had to feel instantly gratifying and I think this achieved that quite well.

Played as part of the Legacy Collection, this simple Flash game (along with its sequel) were favorites as a kid next to some of the stickman sniper ones and Exit Path. The Last Stand is easy to bulldoze once the player realize how to stack up on survivors and the weapons, so it's hard to find much enjoyment value in a 20ish minutes, repetitive slog. The art is fine enough, albeit the Legacy Collection version runs like shit (which I fear might run with the entire port). For what it is, the game is a nostalgic "one more time" type of situation that I imagine I'll never play again.

The Last Stand es un juego de Horda bastante... Meh

Osea no me malinterpreten pero la idea de moverse para atras y delante es una idea estupida, no solo porque no afecta en literalmente nada al Gameplay si no que para moverte ya tienes arriba y abajo, estamos tontos?

tambien la manera de contarte la historia es un diario que no me di cuenta de su existencia hasta literalmente el final, lo descubri gracias a que el ultimo arma que esta literalmente al lado

mas alla de que mas de que muchos disparos nisiquiera sigan bien la mira y se vayan hacia donde quieran (y no es Bloom, los disparos de Francotirador tambien se van mas arriba que lo que deberian) haciendo que mas de una vez no le pegara a un enemigo... esta bien supongo

veamos como progresa la saga y si va para mejor o para peor

It's a fuckin Adobe Flash zombie game what'd you expect

it was fun as hell in like third grade