Reviews from

in the past

The overall aesthetic is nice. But it is unfortunately janky to the point of not being enjoyable. Really bad voice acting, bad transitions and "story" between fights, enemy moves that are hard to read...

The fairly short length of the game fits quite well with the kind of game that it is. Still, even then, I got to the final boss and couldn't be bothered to beat him; watched it on youtube instead, and I don't feel like I've missed much.

No sé que esperaba antes de meterme a esto, nunca jugué Punch Out por lo que me venía fuerte. Al final del día, lo compré por su estilo artístico. El juego es hermoso. Los efectos de sonido y las animaciones me enamoraron aún más y el mundo daba demasiado para imaginar. Es la primera vez que toco algo parecido a esto y no me arrepiento, pero no es como si me hubiese cambiado mi perspectiva del gaming. Con todo eso, es un buen juego que vale la pena probar si te llama su estilo.

eu gostei de toda a ideia por trás do jogo, as mecanicas são dificeis mas são interessantes até certo ponto, depois de um tempo o jogo se torna repetitivo mas com certeza vale o dinheiro e o tempo

has some jank and needs some tune up but pretty great, would love a sequel

Addicting and seeminlgy lovingly made. I keep coming back to it cause it is fun. Might elaborate later but I do wish there was more somthing I just dunno what


It's so frustrating because you can tell it's just a few tweaks away from being great

Lembrou muito Punch out, ate mesmo o personagem Ray lembra bastante little Mac, jogo simples de poucas fases, 8 se nao me engano e um chefe final BEEEEM apelativo, dica que dou para passar ele, anote as sequencia por barra de vida ou queda, vai ajudar acredite
Aguardando dlc ...

I bought this game on sale based purely off of its style and yeah I’d say it was money well spent. It’s a pretty decent a punch-out like. I’d say it’s everything you could want except that fucking white haze filter that goes over your character when you’re low health genuinely brings this game down multiple notches. Why would you make the game harder to play when I’m on low health. It is INCREDIBLY annoying and lost me multiple games. Fuck that filter. But yeah besides that it’s pretty good.

Poderia ter sido melhor se não fosse injusto

Até gostei do jogo, thunder ray tinha um baita potencial pra se tornar um dos jogos mais brabos desse estilo do punch-out, só que a sua régua de dificuldade é muito injusta e em alguns momentos um tanto artificial, mesmo se você tiver jogando no fácil (digo isso porque joguei no fácil)

Os bosses são bem elaborado com os golpes mas de repente a dificuldade aumenta tanto que você até cansa um pouco do jogo, mas fora isso eu gostei achei legalzinho as artezinha e tal, sem contar que por 28,99 reais (preço cheio dele nesse momento) ta um valor bacana pro que o jogo oferece apesar de ser curto

This game was good and it makes me really proud knowing that it is from my country, anyways, its really hard and sometimes it feels unfair, the animations are great but the more you play the game the controls and the music start turning frustating.

We need more Punch Out clones in the world and Thunder Ray is a perfect set up for more of these. I love these games so much. Needs more of them

I love so much about the presentation of this game. Great art style and eye for framing/composition.

It's absolutely just a Punch-Out, but since Nintendo ain't making them anymore, you could do a lot worse.

Sinceramente achei meio desbalanceado e faltou um pouquinho de polimento


-good artwork
-great character designs
-satisfying to beat a boss with no damage taken
-doesn't overstay its welcome
-extra difficulties add a sense of progression
-ranking system for fights
-violence as promised
-easy achievements
-survival mode

-charged punch is situational
-Needed more fights at launch
-Dumb zooming in mechanic when your health is low.
-enemy special attacks require too much trial and error.
-doesn't have much personality and the ai voice is jarring.
-tutorial is too basic
-inputs feel delayed.
-regenerating health is too easy
-lacking gameplay mechanics that are a staple to the genre

General thoughts
It seems to me the dev had to drag things out so people don't refund the game in under or at the 2 hour mark. I really dislike the rng blocking the bosses do and I wish there was a way to reliably predict where they will block.

the bosses have too much health and almost every attack has armor or is uninterruptable. I wish the fights were as hard as evil rico but with more ways to interrupt attack chains. also it would be a great idea if we could dodge attacks while charging super punch, to make it more useful.

dlc review: I was expecting to fight more of the aliens/humanoids shown during the outro but instead we got 3 extra human fighters. The fighters have more interesting attacks by using delays and fakes, but they still drag on too much. It's more of the same with some included bug fixes.

Overall this one is passable and a huge slog, only play this if you want more punchout style content.

and advanced walkthrough

One of the first games I got REALLLLLY good at was Punch Out for the Wii. I was obsessed with the game it was all me and my cousin would play often. I still play it often enough to remember like 80% of the trick by the exact frame I have to do them on. Punch Out is still one of the best games I ever played for the factor that you can easily find out the tricks or learn them by chance because of its intuitive game design. If you can see an opening there is a 90% chance you can do it, even if the trick is hard at first.

I cannot say this about Thunder Ray. Thunder Ray has a lot of good things. The movement is ok, the impacts can feel grand, and the art, well that's what most people seem to see, the art. Its pretty fucking good. Lord Worw and the Mr Mxyzptlk ass mother fucker were A1 designs. But is the game fun???? No. I sadly have to say very recently that a lot of games of been playing are almost all style no substance.

Firstly, this game has no counters. Which is a staple in like, every Punch Out game. All you can do is really dodge and sometimes with enough Punches they MAY be stunned (only say this with Evil Rico and i'm not even gonna count the Witch cause like cmon lol) Point is, its not really what its sup[posed to be a successor of in fact its something much more boring and sad than saying "its the worst game ever!", its just boring. Its so boring. Its an endurance test. You remember all their patterns and then hope the rng of where they're gonna block doesn't fuck you too bad and also hope that they aren't going to add 8 million pieces of bullshit that the boss could do.

Remember Dragon Chan? And how at first him jumping and doing kicks is like HOLY FUCK THATS WEIRD THATS SCARY but after doing it you feel like a beast for learning these new things. Or how Sandman adds new attacks and yeah they're annoying but also its intuitive they show you what they're gonna do, the game looks pleasant to look at so you know, and hell you can COUNTER them and when you dodge you are rewarded with a chance to wail on them and just beat the ever dog shit out of them.

Sorry back to talking about how Thunder Ray has the "the enemy does more shit" thing but. Nothing else. You don't get rewarded for dodging, I guess because you get a super meter instead I guess they thought counters were worthless cause of no star punches, there is no stamina even, and not even a fucking real timer there are no intermissions it is just you standing there until you fucking brute force yourself into winning eventually. And thats kinda lame LOL.

Like sorry but the fact that enemies can just eat your fucking super whenever they please it seems, the fact that there no intermission so the risk of TKO on you is always there, and hell whoever said to add that stupid fucking black and white shit should get jumped like actually.

Sorry let me explain, so when you lose a lot of health the screen zooms in and your vision goes completely black and white which is deranged like just the bosses in this fucking game who are super aliens get rewarded by beating you up more than YOU get rewarded for doing anything. Like especially when you have moves that aren't as choreographed, the fucking witch boss having COLOR CODED ATTACKS that you cannot see and the fact that two punches from theres fucker deletes your health, the black and white shit is not cool its not interesting it just sucks dick.

Look, there is a lot of passion in this game a shit ton, but also i'm sick of shit just looking nice and then just not. Being fun.