Reviews from

in the past

i was interested in how strategizing works and how realistic it is, but felt super bland and boring, maybe just cuz i suck but oh welllll.

Too Hard, Bad community

i have 600+ hours on valorant and 400+ on counter strike .
I have played r6s for more than 60 hours but still i face problem in it's mechanics

The Community is worse than valorant and cs . No one tries to communicate with team or give info.

Overall the give is fine

As of Y9S1 the game is in a horrid place.

Cheaters are everywhere, the meta is in the toilet and the game is all over the place.

Ubisoft are either too poor or too uninterested in his game to get it where it needs to be, this burst of life is unlikely to be enough to save a game that was on its deathbed so recently; but we shall wait and see.

If ubisoft spare the money and effort, there’s hope for this game yet.

Had a lot of fun with this game but now it feels like a chore to get on it and play it with friends... Its not like the game changed but the players did. Ranked is a slippery hill and most games end up as a close match which is great but still. Its nice in design and idea but I guess I just changed

Undeniably a solid team-based multiplayer game that's lasted this long for a reason! It's unique tactical gameplay is fun and fleshed out, but good lord did it make me angry after long enough! Sadly it's full of Ubisoft-related issues like servers, UI being generally ugly, seasons often dropping buggy as hell, and a litany of microtransactions. I think R6 is beginning to overstay its welcome, but the fun I did have over the years was worth it!

If I was any good at the game I would probably love it 😭

Fell of so hard that I gotta give it a 0.5 star. Been a player since Operation Skull Rain and everything after Operation Health is just insanely trash compared to what it once was.

Didn't play this as much as others but it was fun while it lasted

game's impossible to play solo cause the playerbase is horrendous

Un gameplay fade ou il ne faut que camper, des agents sans âme, sans intérêt.

This game is like eating roadkill

Finally, I got the platinum trophy after 6 and a half years. It's a fun and addicting game, both then and now. Basically, it's a tactical shooter that never stops surprising you. I wish it was as popular as CS2.

Warden's VA is Kiryu Kazuma in japanese

I'd spent time with Rainbow Six: Siege a few times. Once when it was a fresh release and another a few years ago when I was bored. But this year I picked it up again and gave it a real try in earnest, and part of me regrets having not been a bigger fan sooner.

Siege is some kind of cross between Valorant and Overwatch. It's the bomb-defusal shooter of Valorant and CS:GO but without the economy management aspects and gun sharing. The games are also less rounds and TTK is slightly higher. It's not quite as overthetop as Overwatch but it has many, many distinct hero characters with a wide range of abilities and traits. It all amalgams to a video game that feels exceedingly familiar to the bigger standouts in its genre but manages to be comfortably distinct as well.

Siege rewards skilled players and reward map knowledge. There's a shocking amount of teamplay required as you move up the higher ranks but a supremely good player is still easily capable of carrying their team which means that even the most fire of 1v5s can be winnable if you git gud. The destructable environments and walls and array of weaponry make the game pretty unique and pleasing. It's also still very visually appealing even with the game knocking on the door of a decade in existence.

I'm sure had I played this game more consistently for the last eight years I'd have a few different thoughts by now. But all-in-all it really is just a competent hero shooter that feels fun to play. It's nothing groundbreaking and there are better versions of its many elements. But not many compare to the sum of Siege's parts.

Somewhat fun but hard to get into as a beginner. Had some fun with friends when I tried it but was not motivated to keep playing. Great concept that I wish was easier to get into.

2600 hrs on record and regret almost every second. Wasted potential

Hours of fun ranking with the boys.
Has its problems, unbalanced, plenty of cheaters, with questionable choices by the developers. Still a great game.

Great game made by the worst company ever, so it kinda sucks lol

i used to love this game alot but updates and a toxic community killed it

Eu tenho que admitir, o jogo é sim do caralho. Teve uma puta proposta foda de FPS tático que foi aceitável e divertido ao mesmo tempo.

Porém como todos sabemos, infelizmente seu dono é a Ubisoft, e tudo que essa empresa desgraçada mantem por mais de 2 anos, estraga 100%

Se eu não tivesse jogado desde o primeiro ano, a nota com certeza seria 1/2 estrela

im going to kill this game with hammers for having such good gunplay

2.5 stars because sometimes it's 5 stars and sometimes it's 0 stars

never really stopped playing r6 since feb 2023,like to play it with friends but sometimes (literellay everytimes) i end up in rage after some bad loss

my friends told me to try this so i did, but then i deleted one match in because i learned you cannot jump. L

GooeyScale: fuck you/100

mais ou menos, muito complicado