Reviews from

in the past

The visuals and sound are okay, but the combat is so clunky and awkward that it drags down the entire experience.

Not as bad as people say. The music is an all time clasic, the gameplay is playable and the game is kind of fun. Well made, no but interesting, hell yeah.

Pretty terrible side scroller beat em up for the NES

I only got to the part in the first level where you're in a room and have to fight some girl. Now I can beat the girl, but then a guy comes in and just starts shooting a machine gun. I can't hit him at all, and I cannot avoid his bullets. I have no idea wtf is going on there. Apparently you have to kill the girl before the machine gun guy shows up or else you're just fucked. It's really stupid because the girl takes a million hits to kill and the game just flat out doesn't give you enough time. I'm not gonna waste my time trying to beat this piece of shit.

Upon looking more into it, the rest of the game features pretty terrible level design and doesn't really follow the plot of the movie well.

Rest of the game isn't really fun, just enemies jumping at you with weird hitboxes and all you can do is punch and jump. Pretty lame stuff!

Game sucks! Not worth anyone's time, don't play it!