Reviews from

in the past

Played only Nameless Psychosis

The demo was literally so peak i love this game so much.

Liked the demo. Will update when the full game is out.

meu resumo;
um jogo que fala sobre o desaparecimento de uma menina ai, o jogo é completamente surrealista oq fez com que eu n entendesse muita coisa mas acontece quando vc tem o cérebro do tamanho de uma noz (autocritica)
(e eu achei que era completo mas era só a demo lol)
• graficos: estonteantes, adoro esse grafico low polly do ps1, as cores, os efeitos tudo muitoo foda
• musica: tinha umas musicas legais mas n consigo apontar o dedo em nenhuma de cabeça (esqueci da maioria já)
• gameplay: pra mim que n entende muito de jrpgs clássicos, achei meio confuso o combate mas deu pra me virar, e é isso que importa
• historia: como já disse, n entendi muito, mas por ser uma demo tbm muita coisa em aberto, oq é normal, mas parece interessante

Played the demo will change review on full release and I have to say even though I fucked with the aesthetic before I do like the cinematography and trippy nature of what they changed,

gameplay is a lot better and less annoying, its not just minigames that take forever. its more traditional turn based with a card system which I am glad indie rpg devs are not being scared of turn based.

I can't really say much for the story its pretty similar with some new stuff that may hint at things getting better,

but if you played til the end of the factory in the previous version and didn't like the dialogue there I doubt you will like it here. its still about the missing person which the original was criticized, and personally I wonder why they didn't just make a sequel or a new game with similar vibes and aesthetic.

because the game doesn't hide the fact it is still about a real life missing woman and a romanticized relationship between the protag and the same woman, maybe I.V is wanting to criticize the characters and specifically the main character and his immaturity but again ill have to see

the new music kicks ass though

and I like the bleed mechanic

no way yiik is actually good???

The demo was really fun and added alot of cool stuff.

the demo is fun! yiik is strange outsider art and i think it should be embraced, personally lol

Demo Review:
I found myself really entranced in the new combat system and can't wait to explore the systems more when the update fully drops. The writing is still a little up it's own butt; however, I was never bored playing the demo due to the strong use of imagery that really poked my imagination. I'm hoping the full game keeps the momentum this demo has and I will be buying it when it drops.

Demo impressions:
Obviously way better than the original. Cool cutscene direction and some occasionally cool shit in here but it's still ultimately YIIK. New battle system is interesting but I could imagine it being more shallow than it looks. Feels like it's trying too hard to be something like Killer7 at points. Overall giving a quizzical eyebrow raise out of ten. I could imagine the full game being good.

this game's so good i cant wait for the full version to come out!

Still has awkward dialogue and the purple prose is still there, however everything else has improved massively. A lot of the writing itself needs changes to sound more natural but besides all the changes the implement are great really hope they improve, and hope they take feedback too.

I figured I'd review the demo since I already laid out my thoughts on the original game (which you can read here.). I won't be giving a score for it, seeing as the full update isn't out yet, but from what Ackk Studios have shown so far with Nameless Psychosis, I've been pretty impressed. I have my doubts that this update will fix all of YIIK's problems, but at the very least I see this game becoming something that is fun to play.

The most immediate thing I noticed was the updated presentation. YIIK is doubling down on the weird imagery, now aided with more inventive camera angles. It still comes off as the developers trying way too hard to tell an abstract narrative, but I can at least appreciate what they're going for this time around. It's a notable improvement without veering too far away from their original art style. The UI also got a massive overhaul. What was once barren and a horrible slog to navigate, has now turned into something that I would describe as not only functional, but also imbued with much-needed character. This might sound like a back handed compliment, and in some respects it is, but I do appreciate the effort they put in reworking the UI. The only thing I wasn't a fan of was the new opening sequence. The visuals are fine, but the musical choice doesn't compliment the editing and it creates a disconnect. It seems like they were trying to recreate an anime opening, but they should have probably opted for a more energetic song than the one they ended up going with.

On the subject of music, Nameless Psychosis features some new tracks and I dig them quite a bit. The menu theme was the stand out track to me, going for a lounge type song that for some reason reminds me of The Cardigans. Maybe it's the lead singer that heavily reminds me of the Swedish pop group. The new tracks are much more subdued compared to the game's original tracks, which I think works in YIIK's benefit. They also seem to be more thematically consistent, instead of the "try out whatever the fuck we want" approach the original game went for.

The biggest upgrade that YIIK received in the demo is easily the combat. Gone are the days of having to play the most frustrating mini-games only to do minuscule amounts of damage. Instead, we get the Karta system. Characters now work with three card slots in which they can equip unique cards that give them battle abilities, stats and passive abilities. They also act as a shield from damage, and once they've been destroyed you'll eventually start taking regular damage. Once you get it with an attack with no more cards, you will enter a bleed state, where you begin to lose health as a battle progresses. The Karta system feels like a direct response to the criticism that the original combat system was incredibly slow and tenuous, and it at the very least makes combat much faster and more engaging. I worry that the system can become a bit overwhelming, as I don't think I had fully grasped it by the time I was done with the demo, but I at least came out of it much more positively. There's also the issue of readability when in the bleed state, as it was hard to figure out when your health would tick a point of HP or not. Hopefully they improve on this aspect of the combat, and if they do, they might have something special on their hands.

If there's anything that I wasn't sold on is the story. Many of the issues I had with the original story are still present here, with an added layer of abstract story telling. They seem to be setting something up with Rory's sister, possibly hinting that foul play was a foot, but the way it's been told is so far isn't winning me over. Alex is still the same, overly verbose and long-winded character that he was in the original, but this time they use a framing device when he's monologuing, having him essentially do so on a stand-up stage. I see this as both reinforcing the fact that he is this self-centered character, as he literally becomes the center of attention, as well as adding some visual flare to when he just rambles on and on. I feel this was a misguided attempt at conveying this idea to the player, but they do use these moments to deliver some genuine laughs (at least I think that's what they're doing). They seem to be leaning more into the fact that Alex has become a giant meme online, which does do a decent job at conveying that we probably shouldn't be taking him so seriously all the time.

I liked what I played, but I'm not entirely convinced that this will be the update that radically changes the perception of the game, at least from a story telling perspective. At most, I think this will be the best version of this story. Maybe I'm wrong, and the new story updates will blow me away and will dramatically change the quality of the story, but I'm somewhat doubtful of that. At least the game is fun to play this time around, which is already a massive improvement over the original.

Not rating a demo but i played this in vc and was scared at how good it was. Alex's yapping has been toned down significantly, and what's still there has been recontextualized in a very neat way. The visuals have undergone a massive shift to the abstract and it's great. I will be checking this out when it releases fully because the demo has me excited.

Elisa Lam connection is still there unfortunately. The direct connection has been toned as far down as I think they could without cutting the character completely but. Yeah.

Nameless Psychosis is unironically the best demo of 2024. I loved every part of it.
I have purchased many copies of YIIK over the past wiik and I can not wait for the full release.
Will edit this review when the full game comes out.

very bold to make a video game with the editing style of Natural Born Killers

demo was great really enjoyed the art and nameless child who i hope to see more of in the final release

everyone please go download the demo and enjoy it for yourselves before some guy makes a 2 hour video essay on how "YIIK IV is still trash"

got the opportunity to beta test this and its probably one of the coolest games i played this year (and it only just started!) . the wait is so worth it trust :pray:

I.V was an experience that turned a great game with flaws into a phenomenal one. I highly recommend picking this up once it comes out.