Reviews from

in the past

" is probably the most played RTS ever" is up there as one the worst shower thoughts I ever had.

Te equivocas "Nawer", es una gran manera de perder el tiempo.

classico jogo q vc joga por 1h a cada 3 anos

É legal no começo, mas enjoa rápido e tá cheio de ads

Fire if you literally can't do anything else

Another one of those:"played it during computer science class games". Only this time I think this one is the worst things to do, even if you are in the middle of not doing work. I'd rather play the dino game or do something on my phone. It's a flash game, I know, but looking back on it I don't think it was a game that was even interresting for younger me.

4/10. Not bador anything, just not worth your time.

N existe 1 ser humano que nunca jogou