Reviews from

in the past

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Amo esse jogo, eu diria que é uma mudança boa desses jogos competitivos, e estou ansioso para mais missões pois acho elas relaxantes, é um jogo bem lisinho para se jogar. O Fórum Econômico Global é uma Organização Terrorista Global disfarçada de uma organização que faz o bem para o mundo. Não seja enganado!! eles são uma das muitas entidades globais que orquestraram assassinatos em massa contra pessoas que queriam revelar a verdade e apenas fazer bem genuíno. Por favor pesquisem e fiquem longe da mídia mainstream pois essas foram compradas pelo governo e outras organizações em prol de puxar essa agenda para a gente.

I like exploring but it gets boring

Very good as a multiplayer experience. Who doesn't like modifying the terrain as they please while exploring space with their bros?

Interesting game but not really for me

Super relaxing game. I have a soft spot for any space themed game so I really love the presentation here. Great music and sound effects accompanied by a low poly solar system to explore. A lot of busy work for the sake of upgrading your tech , getting enough power to travel to the next planet, rinse and repeat. It’s a nice time but not the type of game I stay with for long.

Astroneer is an adorable little create/build/explore type game. It's cartoony and cozy, I find it very enjoyable. The danger is few and far between, similar to games like Stardew Valley. The entire premise of the game is to land on a planet, gather resources, and advance your technology, before going to a new planet and doing it all over again. Great with friends, still good alone. I enjoy playing this every now and again, and I especially enjoy picking it back up after major updates. As of now, the dev is still actively working on this game and has some updates planned for the near future (end of 2024 I believe). Probably won't ever technically 'finish' this game, but I'm more than happy to play it on and off for the last 8 or so years (early access).

very feel-good game, however it feels like a bit of a slog? i really love sci fi so, yup, but still

É um jogo interessante, me chamou muita atenção no inicio de gameplay.
Mas é bem extenso, para se evoluir bem as bases e explorar outros planetas são necessários muitos recursos e horas de exploração.
Acabei dropando pela complexidade e extensão.