Reviews from

in the past

Início da era do Multiplayer

Me and my father having a bonding walk in a semi radioactive park. Good times

premier call of duty joué sur Wii et quel sensations de bonheur, merci pour tout

Started one of the best trilogies in the gaming history

Loved the game. Always been a fan of COD franchise. Got to begin my experience with this game. Loved the mechanism. Gives you really awesome military vibes. Shooting is realistic and the story also felt really good. Wanting to play and experience the other games in the franchise.

A fun game featuring guns that everyone has played. Despite this being the first modern take for a WW2 game it came out exceptionally well, even moreso than its successors strangely enough. The story is even half-decent, despite being the traditional America Vs Evil Terrorists the story feels real enough while still pulling off a romantic action movie feel to it (with its successors being too much of either one). Online you get kills and level up to unlock better guns and create an arsenal of weapons you can customize and put into a loadout. The quality and polish of the physics of the game along with killstreaks have led to the game’s spirit of competitive enjoyment.

Ótimo jogo de uma franquia incrível, na trilogia mw ele com toda certeza é o top 2 apenas atrás de seu sucessor

Игра состарилась как молоко по всем фронтам.
Очень весело стрелять, когда экран трясет от каждого чиха со стороны противника. Я уж промолчу про постановку отдельных сцен.
Музыка посредственная.

This game took a giant turn for the series that changed it for the better. I'll admit that they should stop releasing a new one every year though.

the story.. the online.. perfection.

A CoD game with actual creative levels and different gameplay??

não tanko o final e acho foda a parte q tem explodir os tanques

With this game a whole generation of Squeakers would find their home. This game revolutionized the FPS genre. Regenerating health (thank god), modern day weapons (finally), and a gritty campaign that still holds up today. The multiplayer was snap fast, arcade like, and very easy to pick up and play. All in all, Call of Duty 4 set the standard for FPS to this day and it's still wonderful in every way shape and form. Also, Soap and Price are iconic.

ja zerei muitas vezes anos atras, la pra 2018/19, 2020 ou 21... por ai

e agora tive a ideia de zerar de novo (em live) pra poder TALVEZ rejogar os 3 MW

They litterly just kept making this one over and over again.

COD Modern Warfare single handily saved it's own franchise from fatigue that takes some serious work.

I also absolutely loved playing as Soap such an awesome character, I wonder what happens to him in the future games?

revolutionised COD and the start of some amazing games to come. Got to say everytime i go back to this game i get so much nostalgia

O FPS que trouxe a guerra moderna de modo cinematográfico para os videogames. Um bom FPS até hoje, com uma campanha divertida, personagens memoráveis, um vilão decente e um multiplayer simples, mas que era bem interessante pra sua época. Até quem não gosta de CoD reconhece que CoD4: Modern Warfare foi bem importante pro gênero de FPS