Reviews from

in the past

Give us back the badass Artorias box art asshole

If I was ever given the opportunity to forget one game with the intent to replay it again knowing absolutely nothing, it would probably be this.

Just what a fantastic adventure.

This masterpiece in gaming is a relentless teacher; it's unforgiving, and yet, through every failure, it teaches resilience and perseverance. With its rich lore and challenging gameplay, it transcends mere entertainment, shaping not just gaming skills but life perspectives. It's a genre-defining gem that's as infuriating as it is rewarding.

a life-changing game that I keep coming back to.

I think at least once a month I think of something to try for a new character. It's not a perfect game but I can't get enough of how this game feels and looks.

I don't know how many hours I've put into this game offline but I'm going to put 500 hours to be safe.

Dark Souls: PtDE - Any% (Dragon Tooth HWW) - 38:47 IGT

Who knows how long I have been playing this game. Played it casually and hardcore-ly(?). Did a couple of challenge runs with and mastered it. I will get back to this game again and maybe working on a couple of more epic runs with it. But now, I put it aside because I have a lot of other games to play. This is a genre-defining action-RPG. You owe it to yourself to play it.

É simplesmente incrível a curva de aprendizado desse jogo e como ele te recompensa por explorar, o meu ponto favorito dele não é a dificuldade dele, e sim o que você faz para superar ela, por exemplo, tem um chefe que é muito difícil com a minha espada atual, eu vou lá na primeira localização do jogo, e descubro um atalho que me leva a um lugar que me dá uma espada totalmente desproporcional pra parte do jogo que eu estou, eu aprimoro meus atributos para conseguir usar ela com uma mão e descubro truques para ganhar do chefe, como memorizar os movimentos dele para acertar a esquiva, o resultado é que eu acabo com o chefe sem a menor dificuldade na próxima tentativa, e isso te recompensa muito por explorar os ambientes e prestar atenção no que o seu inimigo faz durante a luta, além de que esse jogo com certeza tem paisagens impressionantes para época como Anor Londo que é muito bonita, joguem

trocaram a capa do artorias eu vou me matar

O primeiro souls like agente não esquece.

Artorias yelling at me for no reason, damn you lose your dog or something asshole

I really admire the first Dark Souls. I didn't get around to playing it until I had already played Bloodborne... so it was really hard to get into this. Everything after Ornstein and Smough feels very unpolished.

melhor experience de console que ja tive

My first Souls game experience. It's perfect, except for the blight that is Bed of Chaos