Reviews from

in the past

Chulo pero corto, ruta no letal un coñazo.

Pěkné pokračováni ze světa Dishonored a postavy Outsider.

less polished then the other 2 games but if this was dlc for 2 i think it would have been liked more. The powers in this game were the best in the series don't @ me

Hard to call this my favorite game of the series, but it might be. It’s easily better than the second one and it brings back a lot of the aesthetics of the first one. Which was my main issue with the second one It’s very short, but the story is good and concise. It takes everything I love from the second one and everything I love from the first one And brings them together.

Billie "Inclusión Forzada" Lurk

Basically just micro-Dishonored, the same great gameplay with new powers. It definitely feels really short with only five missions. but it's still an interesting look into the Outsider himself, if you're into the lore of the universe.

Short, focused and refined to an otherworldly razor's edge. Story is rewarding, but the final sections suffer slightly from spinoff status. Bank heist may be the best level in the series, please let arkane make another one of these );