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O jogo abre alas do FSR (grande recurso de upscaling da AMD) e o primeiro grande exclusivo do PS5 foi uma completa decepção, um jogo que tenta ser tanta coisa e se perde diante da falta de objetividade.

Os momentos repetitivos cansam mais que escrever essa análise

Let's make a game out of only the worst parts of Destiny!

Godfall just feels so fucking soulless. Built to take advantage of the GaaS model, Godfall feels as though it shamelessly only ever thought or cared about the 'aaS' part of GaaS. The game is brazen in its presentation as a skinner boxed lootfest meant to extract all of your time and energy from you. Thankfully, Godfall isn't anywhere near good enough to get that much out of you.

Well, I did give it 2.5 stars. So why does it even get that many marks? The biggest reason is that it is gorgeous. The cinematics are fantastically rendered and look just beautiful. Great usage of color and contrast. Shimmering and golden. All of the weapons are well designed and the 'valorplates' look incredibly cool. The skins and such for the valorplates are also really well made. Overall the game has such clean polish, it is so professional. I somehow find myself wanting to go back to spend time in the world Godfall crafted, not because there's anything really redeeming about the gameplay or storyline but because the game looks phenomenal.

The game also runs great. I played it on PS5, and the game is really smooth. It runs fast, the cutscenes run fast, I never experienced any meaningful framedrops or load times. The game really just works. And that's something that is sadly not common enough among AAA games (looking at you Andromeda, EA UFC 4, Cyberpunk, It Takes Two etc). The game looks stunning and is very well optimized, and that deserves plenty of credit because often times you have to deal with something of a sliding scale between appearance and performance.

But that's about where the real praise ends. The gameplay is....fine. It's sort of Souls-like with a little more emphasis on pace. It goes quick. But the gameplay is also quite plain and vanilla. It doesn't do anything very interesting with the Souls-like slashing combat and if anything it dumbs down most of it. You get spongey Destiny style bosses with a few extra mechanics or puzzliness too them to accommodate the fact that Godfall is all melee. However, nothing really pushes the envelope here. You'll spend most of your time mashing R1 with the occasional R2 to deal extra soul shatter damage. And that's it, really. Because the bosses are all meant to be fairly infinitely replayable, they have mechanics you learn to abuse very quickly so you can repeat that over and over to farm for loot.

And that's it. That's the game really. Go to an area and either complete a pretty quick kill two things and get the chest style quest. Or do a boss fight of moderate difficulty. There's scarcely much in between. It's made for repetitive content. But the content just isn't engaging. The story is terrible, the mobs aren't very interesting and the boss fights are definitely less interesting than Destiny. You fight most of the bosses (in the Dreamstones) in a large circular pit. There's nothing like fighting through several rooms in Destiny before reaching the boss.

Most of the content is soloable. And rather easy to solo. Which doesn't force you to engage with other players like Destiny. So there's far more limited interaction here. Since all the content is just repeated, you find yourself rather quickly wondering what the point is. Why am I looting any of this? The game isn't satisfying enough to play to warrant only playing for playing's sake. You don't get to experience much mulitplayer and you can access most of the endgame endlessly. So you can see all there is to see within a few days time. There are no timegates or multiplayer requirements. And with the lack of content you see right through the game's veneer super early.

After about ten endgame hours, you'll almost certainly have seen literally everything there is to Godfall. You can continue playing it in order to up your item and ascension levels. But for what? For what reason? You won't play with friends. The content is already available, you just get slightly harder quests. You don't get the winding weapons quests like you do in Destiny. There is no pvp in the game. The content that is there to be matchmade is almost always just as easy to solo.

Don't even get me started on the lack of a fucking jump. That's a bafflingly stupid decision that I just find unforgivable. Moving feels laborious in Godfall. At all times. For a fast paced slasher ARPG game, the terribly slow and unfun movement is grating.

"Let's make a game with relatively simple combat, like Destiny but melee instead of ranged weapons with a wideset of usages. Let's make a game like Destiny that revolves around looting for slightly better items to up your item level, but we won't put variable content worth doing in the game to make you want to repeat these tasks. Let's make a game with multiplayer but have no pvp and no content that requires matchmaking. Let's actually make every aspect of the game soloable so there's no reason to matchmake."

Every bit of it is bizarre. And it's shame because I truly did want to care about Orin and the lore of Godfall. Shame that sucked ass too. At least it was really pretty.