Reviews from

in the past

Holy based batman !
i came in barely expecting anything, but i found some pretty shiny gold, its short and sweet, its action packed, its a whole explosion of rule of cool, zero BS, zero gimmick, its short because its straight to the point, it won't deviate from gameplay and try to deliver what it promises right from the get go, it helps that its so fuckin cool.

also it should definelly be ported to steam, i forced 60 fps with 1080p and had a blast, this holds up surprisingly well.

for those wishing to try it on mouse and keyboard, here are my configs :
W,S : forth and back
A,D : turn left and right
Mouse 1 : shoot
mouse 2 : lock in (great to use when you gotta circle strafe a enemy)
E : grave sweep
Shift : run.

again i wish this was ported to steam, but emulating is still amazing in its own way

oynadığım en oyunlardan biri

Frenetico, combat system divertente, ma purtroppo la storia è molta corta. Ha dalla sua una discreta rigiocablità comunque.

The best way id describe this game is a beat em up mixed with a run and gun mixed with an on rails shooter, throw in a raging aesthetic and art design by Nightow (of trigun fame) and you have an absolutely delightful time.

press square. press some more.

Simple and effective. This 3 hour 6 stage game is so much fun. I had recently bought a small CRT and I sat and played this in one full sitting on the PS2. While the game is dated in controls, it does still feel good to play and destroying hordes of enemies in such an arcade style is cathartic.

games these days are afraid to get this loud

I finished the game and I still have no idea what's going on.