Reviews from

in the past

If the person who made this was around the age of 15, fine. Makes sense. Other 15 year olds might like it. Me, I'm putting my hands up and slowly backing out of the little 2D rpg-maker door.

A weird game. This is my first Hello Charlotte game and i didn't really enjoy it. The characters and the lore are superficial and the gameplay reminds me of Yume Nikki but worse. Overall i can't say that this game holds itself on its own but i hope it at least works as a base for the future games. Even though i didn't like it i am actually exited for episode 2.

Pretty little fun game, but of course, this game is nothing compared to its sequels, those're where the real sh*t begins

Meet Charlotte—a puppet you control. Live through memories of long-lost gods and explore the static. Along your journey, you'll meet a certain observer who will try to intervene in your actions. Keep your puppet, Charlotte, safe at all costs. If you want to, that is.

This game was a breakout surprise for me. Initially, I thought I wouldn't enjoy it, but it blew me away. Well, narratively at least.

The world presented here is nothing short of interesting, as I fell in love with it immediately. So many questions filled my head, immersing me in this world and making me continue. I got sucked way too deep into this.

The characters in Episode 1 are introduced quite nicely. The standout is obviously the titular character, Charlotte. I found her character to be quite endearing from the get-go, yet nothing spectacular—not yet.

The gameplay here was... cool? I don't know, it's hit or miss. I personally enjoyed it, but I understand why one wouldn't. There are a lot of puzzles here and, admittedly, some of them are unfair. It's a lot of trial and error, but that is an appeal on its own.

The visuals were trippy as fuck. I liked that a lot. It fit the world and further emphasized just how messed up everything really is. It did a lot for the atmosphere. So did the soundtrack. An incredibly unique style for a game.

Overall, I don't have much to say. This is just a pretty damn interesting start to an absolutely fantastic series of games. I recommend you check it out. But of course, it only gets better from here on out.

Tbh, just watch a playthrough of this one. The series is def worth your time and is one of my faves, but man the gameplay is rough.

Liked it but it definitely had some very obscure puzzles in the first half. Regardless though, the art is nice and I liked the characters lots and the world was fascinating. I hope it gets better from here.

Man surreal visuals, funny writing and an interesting story
but oh the gameplay is so miserable, I get that dying a lot is a gimmick of this game, but it got really annoying after a while and the gameplay in general was really and I mean REALLY frustrating

Entendi porra nenhuma mas o bagulho é loco.

Honestly I didn't enjoy this one at first and was struggling to keep playing it but I was told to trust the process because this one would be essential for the overall understanding and experience of the next games.
Although it seems repetitive, too much pointless clicking and it seems frustrating I advise you to be patient. Use a guide if you need. Give it a chance so you can understand the whole beauty of the Hello Charlotte series.
Im sure you will come back to this game when you finish ep3.