Reviews from

in the past

My first Final Fantasy

I loved every single minute of it.

Great customization and gameplay is pretty good. I like the exploration and story and sidequests. Great nostalgia for me.

One of my other favorite Final Fantasy games.

To be honest, it would be very difficult for this game to not be one of my favorites because of Square Enix's history with Action titles. I think a lot of them, for me, can be described as, "I like this game, but..." and Lightning Returns just isn't that for me.

The fact that this game simply uses a modified version of XIII's battle system is cool in itself but what made this game so cool to me is the customization of it all. It never felt like there was a "best" anything and I was encouraged to use different outfits for different areas.

Like I genuinely want to gush about how this game balances aesthetics with mechanics and how your customization of, I guess, allows you to create playstyles that work for you. Also I'm a big Majora's Mask fan so that helped too. But I won't, this game's great though.

The battles can be pretty punishing, but it's a gratifying and necessary ending to the FF13 trilogy. They're flawed but interesting games, and the second two are both nearly great.

Bye-bye, all of XIII. Perhaps you could say that in contrast to the wild experimentation of 13-2, this feels rote in comparison, which isn't entirely wrong. But it makes up for this in spades with it's vastly improved gameplay, tense ticking-clock mechanic, and full-hearted and deeply felt conclusion. Such a deeply underrated collection of games.

O mundo esta acabando e vc tem apenas 13 dias para salvar o maximo de pessoas q vc conseguir,sera q é tempo o suficiente?
Lightning Returns Final Fantasy XIII é o ultimo jogo da trilogia 13 e fecha de maneira muito bonita a historia.
Anos atras eu comecei a jogar ele uma vez e droppei,pq achei chato e nao entendia bem o combate e talz.
Depois de anos eu resolvi dar uma outra chance e foi muito bom.
Os primeiro e o segundo jogo ja eram bonitos,esse consegue ser ainda mais na questao das cutscenes e do proprio grafico in game.
Sempre escutei e li do fandom da franquia FF q : " o ff13 é o pior da franquia,pode skippar,etc".
Falam q o primeiro jogo é muito linear,mas o ff7 remake tbm é e ngm reclama,falam q o ff13-2 tem timelines diferentes e talz,ff7 rebirth passou a ter isso tbm,falam q o lightning returns é chato pq vc só controla a lightning e talz,só q em ff16 vc praticamente só controla o clive.
Percebeu como tudo q falam q tem de ruim nessa trilogia,existe em outros jogos da franquia,mas ngm reclama.
Bora falar do jogo,o sistema de tempo nesse jogo é bem interessante,vc passa a regular quanto tempo vc tem pra fazer tal objetivo e alguns ojetivos só podem ser feitos em tal hora do dia e quando o dia acaba,vc volta pra ark e da a quantidade de almas das pessoas q vc salvou naquele dia.
Mas como vc salva as almas e como vc fica mais forte?
Ai q ta,nesse jogo vc nao upa ou ganha status matando os inimigos,vc fica mais forte fazendo sidequests,pq é fazendo as sidequests q vc salva as pessoas e eu achei isso bem legal.
Outro sistema q gostei,foi q cada "roupa" q vc consegue no jogo é como se fosse uma job diferente e vc pode usar 3 diferentes,entao por mais q vc só controle a Lightning,vc pode ter na "party" de 1 pessoa só,um guerreiro,um mago e um tank,etc.
A exploração nesse jogo tbm é bem legal,principalmente depois q vc consegue o seu proprio chocobo.
Muitos falam q a Lightning é uma personagem chata e q nao tem carisma,mas eu acho isso bem errado,nos 3 jogos vc ve a evolução da personagem e a forma q ela interage com os outros personagens,ela tem essa casca dura por fora q afasta as pessoas,mas por dentro é uma personagem q valoriza e prioriza a vida dos seus amigos e familia.
Eu acho a trilogia bem legal e gostaria muito q a square enix fizesse um remaster da trilogia pros consoles atuais,pq se os jogos ja eram bonitos na epoca do ps3 e xbox 360,imagina hoje em dia com a tecnologia atual.
Bem acabou virando um textao,mas se vc leu tudo e chegou ate aqui,digo apenas q,nao se deixe levar pela opiniao do fandom da franquia,quer saber se os jogos da trilogia sao bons,jogue eles,só assim vc vai ter uma opiniao certeira sobre essa trilogia.

The only salvageable part is the end boss. Headache of a game.

This review contains spoilers

After really enjoying Final Fantasy XIII-2, I was really looking forward to how they would improve the Battle System and exploration. It was quite a shock to see the direction they took in this game! It ended up being good, just a bit worse than XIII-2, but I really appreciate when game developers take risks and try out different approaches to their game, so in a way I must applaud them for this.

The strongest point in this game to me was the Story, after following the characters from this Trilogy all the way, I was really curious to know how they would end up. Although most of the game makes you spend time with side-quests, the main line story was very beautiful with an amazing ending!

Combat is the real big change in this game, the new "Garb System" makes you build synergies between loadouts to have you face against your foes. I really liked how I ended up really going for different garbs and spells during the Early and Mid-Game, later down the line I did stick to my one and only loadouts, but that makes sense as you begin to learn more about the enemies, ATB Costs and whatnot. However, I really feel like NOT having a party is a let-down, this trilogy had Sazh, Snow, Noel, Vanille, Fang but throughout the game you barely spend time with them. By the way, how come Noel is not involved in Caius's main quest? I just wish the game had more content with them.

Exploration is all right. You always have something to do thanks to side quests, but after completing all the main quests I felt like I had no incentive to keep playing at all. I did decide to do a lot of side quests and extinction hunting, but the time spent doing those were not really fun, just a big grind.

The game is based on a limited amount of days and time to save as many souls as possible. From the start of the game, this mechanic made me stress out a lot, life is already a game of chasing time, I was not looking forward to managing it in this game as well, but with the time stop ability you actually have plenty of time to do everything. I feel like this mechanic serves more of a story purpose rather than enhancing gameplay. It doesn't really hurt you that much, but it also does not add much.

Well, if you have already played XIII and XIII-2, you should play this game. It is good! Just not my cup of tea.