Reviews from

in the past

It's like picross, but it's clunky. One of the only things a puzzle game needs to do is have a good cursor. It's also pretty small too. But, it's picross. And I do love me some picross.

(Review from 2021) Good Picross game for its time, I think some aspects are a bit clunkier now but considering when it came out I think it’s great and I’m happy it held my interest as long as it did. The time penalty was an interesting way to incorporate solving it correctly

THE best timesink on the gameboy. hidden gamer trivia is that the final mode where they throw a ton of random picrosses at you is NOT endless and is NOT (i don't think) completely random. 100% completion... it can be done...

Played on an emulator for a little while out of curiosity, either on my phone or my laptop, can't remember which. I like nonogram puzzles, and there's nothing wrong with this game, but with the large number of Picross titles available on Switch, I have no reason to return to this specific version of it.

It's picross. Not sure why it's Mario's, there are hardly any mario related pictures in it.
It's lacking any QoL. When you complete a number in a row or column, it doesn't get marked.
While it's possible to finish the puzzles without guessing, it does get very difficult. Some of them take up to 1 hour for me(especially starting with the time trials). Maybe I'm just bad. I stopped after 7 time trials.
There are 256 puzzles in total. They get more difficult as you progress. First puzzles will only take a couple of minutes or less, then it ramps up.
Not sure I can recommend this one, when there are so many more picross games. Nothing wrong with this one, and I was curious how it was, but it's probably a better idea to start from the newer titles and go backwards so you don't get burned out by playing the old ones.