Reviews from

in the past

Played this game purely because it's a Treasure title. To be fair it is a solid platformer. It's kinda like a Ronald McDonald Mega Man game, but not as intuitive. Enemies take way too may "Magic blasts" to kill. It's like if you're playing Mega Man and you had every single enemy took about 15 buster pellets to kill. It gets old really fast and ruins the pacing of the game.

One of the most "Treasure" things about this game are the visuals. This one of the best and most colorful looking games on the Genesis, and not just in artstyle but also design. I love how whacky and fever dream-y all the worlds and enemy designs are in this game. There's also some uhhhh "questionable" enemy designs that you could call a product of it's time. Crazy how McDonalds back it though.

There are some really cool setpieces in the game that were easily the best parts. But the final levels and the final boss were just awful that it left a bad taste in my mouth.

If anything, this is just a showcase for Treasure to prove how visually pleasing they always make their games. Otherwise from a gameplay standpoint, it's a pretty barebone platformer.

A surprisingly competent platformer with an impressive soundtrack that introduces gameplay elements that Treasure would later refine in 'Dynamite Headdy.' It's light-hearted and simple but also on the easy side.

i know i know “Ronny McDonny da Video Game” just stay with me here.
trust me when i say this one is actually pretty fuckin good. if anything it has some anazing sprite art that really showcases what the genesis has to offer. level design can be VERY frustrating
good sound effects (bleeps, bloops, sparkles, etc)
i’m sure if i played this now in my thirties this rating would likely be halved.