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in the past

The most un-metroid metroid game ever

i got on the ship to leave the planet and immediately felt sad because no more new metroid back to the wait :'(

After years without a new 2D Metroid game, Nintendo released Metroid Dread. This is one of the best entries in the series and one of the most exhilarating games on the Switch. The gameplay is great, the story is cool, but the way the game generates tension is its greatest asset. Samus continues to be one of the most badass characters in gaming and this is one of her best games.

Us seven Metroid fans are thrilled it got another game!

GooeyScale: 8/10

The fluidity and style of this game are unmatched in platformers. While the atmosphere might not reach the heights of previous games, the action has NEVER been more refined. Samus has never looked, felt, or been cooler than Dread.

Metroid Dread is a evolution of its genre and its series as Metroid Dread is a great place to be introduced to the Metroid Series. Metroid Dread provides a sense of fear but also discovery when exploring the map that is provided to the player. There is always something that is hidden as this game rewards you for finding all its hidden secrets as Metroid Dread may be a difficult game and may make you feel dread but Metroid Dread has a satisfactory feeling when beating a boss battle along with its fluid controls providing tight platforming and traversal making this one of the bet 2D Metroidvania's to exist.

Everything about this game is incredible. The movement is some of the best in the series and some of the most fun abilities. The cutscenes and presentation of Samus' personality is one of my favorite uses of her character. The boss cutscenes are cinematic and so exhilarating to watch. Raven Beak is also one of the greatest Metroid villains ever.

A needed return for the series. The stealth parts are pretty lame though. Shame, because I hoped it was an upgrade to the Zero Suit segments in Metroid: Zero Mission which is my favorite part of that game.

It's just very fun to play. Playing as Samus just felt so good, that I even tried performing actual speedrunning techniques just to try and push the limit on my control over the game.

I started this straight after finishing PoP: The Lost Crown, and just... wow. I want more.

I'm a lot more split on this game than I thought I would be. There's quite a few issues to unpack here, from obvious padding with the constant boss reuse (not the EMMIs, but the Chozo Warriors), to the much more prevalent very linear/hand-holdy progression structure. In multiple ways, the game feels like it's actively trying to disincentivize you from exploring and finding secrets, and in general, the pacing feels pretty off.
However, despite all that, this is also a game with the best movement/kit/controls in the series, well designed puzzles and levels, the EMMI zones are great, and the best combat/bosses in the series by far. The final boss is as amazing as everyone says he is. Play this game just for him.
The potential for my score to increase on replays is pretty high as well, considering the sequence breaks.
Overall I feel like MercurySteam both greatly improved on some of their concepts from Samus Returns and also did some things worse. Still a really fun time nonetheless.

First Metroid game I’ve ever played and I like it quite a bunch even despite how dumb I could be sometimes

atmospherically entrancing, narratively modest yet compelling, and mechanically striking. a must play imo

um dos melhores metroids depois do fusion e do super metroid INCRIVEL

Played it, loved the environment. But the hard gameplay is a hard sell for me. Gifted it to my mate for his birthday and he loved it though.

Beat it in just two days. It's THAT peak

A perfect switch game. When this came out I was worried. But they retained the difficulty of the earlier titles (thank god) and made exploring so unique and interesting. This game is Metroid in all the right ways.

This was SO GOOD. I played this one on an oled model in my dark ass room and it was insanely good. my favorite since metroid fusion.

A proper return to form for the Metroid series. Not much else to say but it's easily the best 2D Metroid since Super. Minor nitpick is that it's a bit too easy, besides the final quarter which I thought ramped up the difficulty and tension in a way that really felt satisfying.

Other than that, no complaints here, fantastic game.

Pas aussi catégorique que la majorité des gens mais bon jeu nonobstant.

the best metroid game, and it's not close

Hay momentos que uf y me he perdido porque el mapa es que no lo entiendo.

Pero bueno.

God, this game is so damn good. Great atmosphere, great level design and great boss fights. Samus controls so smoothly too. Trying to beat the game in less and less time during each playthrough is a great challenge.

Metroid Dread es un metroidvania creado por el estudio español MercurySteam y que ha conseguido llevar a una saga histórica como Metroid de una forma muy cuidada. La jugabilidad de este juego es probablemente lo mejor de este juego, ya que la forma en la que se van consiguiendo habilidades es muy progresiva y natural y le aportan frescura al desplazamiento y el combate. Los enemigos y los jefes también son en su mayoría muy buenos, con diseños vistosos y animaciones trabajadas. Debo comentar que debido a la repetición constante de dos jefes en concreto estos se me han hecho repetitivos al final. Me ha sorprendido gratamente el nivel de dificultad en ciertos combates, ya que me he encontrado un desafío interesante de jugar. El diseño de mundo es lo que más me ha decepcionado del juego sin lugar a dudas, ya que viniendo de otros metroidvania me esperaba una estructura más abierta y me he encontrado con una linealidad subyacente que no te dejaba en ningún momento salirte del "camino principal". Pasando al apartado gráfico, el juego funciona muy bien en portátil (que es como lo he jugado), a 60 fps sólidos en la mayor parte del juego y una sorprendente calidad en las texturas al tratarse de la Switch; además de un más que correcto apartado artístico y sonoro. No pasa lo mismo con la banda sonora, que no toma protagonismo en ninguna ocasión y, exceptuando el tema principal de la saga, es muy olvidable. La historia tampoco es nada del otro mundo, y el contexto del mundo es interesante pero tampoco me ha llamado lo suficiente la atención como para indagar más en él. No puedo negar que venía con otras expectativas puestas en este Metroid Dread, por lo que me he llevado una ligera decepción al ver que no llega a cumplirlas. Aun así, es un juego muy disfrutable y recomendable para quienes quieran una corta (unas 11 horas) e intensa experiencia con una buena jugabilidad. 8,2/10

I thought the length of this game was perfect. Seven hours of getting one new upgrade at a time, slowly feeling more and more powerful and capable. It gave me enough time to master one tool before introducing another. Learning the boss fights was the highlight for me as it felt really satisfying to be able to take zero damage for a sustained period of time with a lot of crazy attacks coming my way. Loved the cinematic cutscenes more than any in a game I've played. The final boss fight was very challenging and a satisfying finale. My first 2d difficult game I've completed. Overall it wasn't quite as good as I was expecting. I didn't enjoy all the backtracking and solving the maze.

Graphically very nice, incredibly punishing in combat, unfriendly to a newbie to the genre.