Reviews from

in the past

I really wasn't expecting a lot from this game after playing MP1 and getting disappointed with it, but after trekking through the initial areas of the game, it showed its true nature to me.
Going beyond MP1's intention of replicating Super Metroid in a 3D environment, this game tries to be its own thing including changes like the smaller and more connected map, a more colorful and populated world and a more expositive plot.
To compensate for the apparently smaller scale of the map, the game presents a "dark version" of everything, and going back and forth between both worlds is very interesting and fun to explore at the beginning, even though it may become a chore when looking for the final upgrades or keys.
Although the world is now more bright and resonant, the feeling of inhospitable eerieness that was gone from Fusion onwards is VERY strong here, in great merit due to the ambient soundtrack.
The inclusion of a populated planet with the Luminoths and the fact that there are four factions at war with each other(you, the pirates, the Ing and the Dark Samus) makes the world feel so alive and natural, that makes me think this is a "dark version" of the first Metroid Prime, by following a fundamentally opposite game design, it surpassed its predecessor by a long shot.

Time has made me appreciate Prime 2's tight design, gloomy tone, and difficulty over the original Primes. It is a spectacular game, and the bosses alone carry it over the line for best Prime game in my book.

I would hesitate to call this game underrated due to it's cultural significance as a part of a well regarded trilogy but between all 3 games I really believe this one is a triumph in every way the first was and looking at the sales numbers I do think it deserves a second look from fans and non fans alike. The texture of the game is more artificial and technological but it makes it organic moments feel that much more gross. I think the level design is top notch and the beam ammo is not as big a deal as we initially made it out to be

With a story that's nothing to write home about, a total step down from its predecessor's weapon system, an infamously aggravating dual-world mechanic, and a terrible late-game fetch quest, you'd expect Metroid Prime 2: Echoes to be a game wholly not worth remembering or revisiting.

Call it style over substance, but an atmosphere as gripping as Metroid Prime 2's does not come along often.

Dommage que le jeu soit raciste :/.

Similar formula to its predecessor, tighter more fragmented Legend of Zelda dungeon based exploration progression with a emphasis on a darker tone.

I'm really fascinated by how divided opinions are on this game, lots of people says its the most underrated in the prime series and other really hate the light and dark theming and gameplay.

I'm still undecided as I need to round off the Prime trilogy, Prime 1 definitely had a much bigger effect on me when I first played it but I do think I enjoyed Prime 2 for its areas a lot more. I felt less lost and the atmosphere in each section was fantastic and really thoughtout.

the best metroid prime game. it trims the fat of the first game and improves by leagues on the action. areas are unique and atmospheric, bosses are mostly good with some standout encounters. incredible

I did not like this game as much as the first, and because of that I never continued on in the trilogy. I thought the first one was pretty incredible. I thought this one was okay.

I liked this but not as much as the first game. I wasn't in love with the light/dark gimmick. Probably got 60% of the way through the game but I borrowed it from Nick and never finished it. I hear they are putting this on Switch. If they do then I'll finish it. Your move, Nintendo.

Take everything Metroid Prime did, and multiply it by 2. This game takes all of the elements seen in the first game, and amplifies it all. I mean everything. The Beam system has been transformed into a special light/dark themed shot. The map has basically been doubled, if not tripled in size, due to both the increase in general size, and the fact that the map has both a normal side and almost identical dark side. The bosses are crazier, the enemies are tougher, the game is in general harder. This games whole motto was go big. Now, if you absolutely loved the things Metroid Prime did and really wanted it extended and expanded on, then this is definitely for you. That being said, I do not like whats been done to the map. The first games map felt intertwined and fun to traverse even when back-tracking. This games map has one path to each area, with "shortcuts" that open up very late, and back-tracking may be this games worst aspect. As far as things that I really like about this game, it makes a huge pivot towards themes that you would almost expect to see in a horror game. It's really dark and eerie constantly, vibes of the original Metroid at times. Not much else to say, it's just taking the first game, making it twice as big and exaggerated, and unrealizing some of the things that the first game did best. I get why this one has such a specific following.