Reviews from

in the past

Was so hyped for this game. The trailer looked amazing. It looked like the first triple A One Piece game. Sadly the open was was very boring with almost nothing to do and very lifeless. The originial story was also not interesting and to top it all off the combat so incredibly boring. Too ambitious of a project with clearly not enough time and resources to fully realize. Looked good tho.

Looks like it could be an enjoyable time but boy howdy there is nothing here.

Eu gostei da experiência de one piece em mundo aberto mas se for fazer todas as sides igual eu fiz, o jogo se torna muito repetitivo

Another bad anime game, not really much else to say.

Takes a deep breath
Alright, I am about to rant and scream in this review, so for now I am going to apologize for whoever decides to read. Contains a lot of swearing and insanity. Here goes nothing...

When I started the game, I thought it wasn't gonna be too bad, it has good graphics and an awesome opening after all, what could possibly go wrong, right? Heh. No. Right away the game disappointed me, so I thought it could just be the beginning and it would be fun later on. NO, THE HELL IT WASN'T! The longer you spend in that game, the more boring it gets!!! The world has NOTHING to offer, it has ingredients here and there, but I don't care about those, your upgrades are lame! All the gear you create is lame af, Luffy feels very weak, and the combat doesn't help, because it's clunky af! It feels like you only attack in one direction, not to mention that enemies have iframes when they get knocked down, BUT LUFFY DOESN'T!!!! OH, YOU GOT KNOCKED DOWN AND THERE'S TONS OF ENEMIES? OH BOOHOOO FOR YOU, THEY'LL KICK YOUR ASS STILL!!! THEY DON’T CARE IF YOU’RE STANDING OR NOT, DAMAGE IS TAKEN REGARDLESS OF YOUR CONDITION!!! ALL UPGRADES ARE FUCKING USELESS, YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT TO PICK BECAUSE NONE OF THEM SERVE A PURPOSE, AND TWO FIGHTING STYLES, ONLY FOR ONE OF THEM BE TOO SLOW TO ACTUALLY BE USABLE, BECAUSE REMEMBER, YOU TAKE DAMAGE REGARDLESS!!!
And don’t get me started with the open world, because it offers you a massive patch of NOTHING! No life, nothing else to do than mariners showing up Every corner because apparently they fuck like rabbits and there’s na infinite amount of them and even the weakest one takes a minute to die, FOR FUCKS SAKES, THIS IS FALLOUT 1 LEVELS OF DRAGGING!!!! THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS STRATEGY!!!! I Only managed to get all the way to the end because I had Karoo to ride on, otherwise I would’ve dropped it earlier! I gave up chest hunting halfway there because they’re hard to find and not Worth it unless for completion, but I don’t wanna complete that game, I just wanted it to end.
Not to mention how lame the story is, because three hours in I stopped caring and just skipping everything be it in main quest or side quest, and the lack of voice acting and text sounds really doesn’t help at all. And the game just is like this: a small world that feels artificial, lifeless, sterile and fake. I underestimated this game’s ability of being bad, but as soon as I finished it, I speedran to uninstall this shit. Don’t play this shit, even if it’s for free!