Reviews from

in the past

Perfect short game. Got a lot more playtime out of attempting to speedrun and do the various challenges. Forever a GOAT. Fantastic sandbox.

Als ob ich irgendwas zu Portal schreibe, alle kennen Portal.

Eins dieser Spiele die man bestimmt irgendwie mal gespielt haben sollte, I guess. Ist kürzer als gedacht.

A classic, this game is amazing for reasons that have been stated time and time again, and I feel the same.

For sure not as good as the sequel but for the time this is really good. I love how this game feels more eerie in the sense that you are alone in the testing facility as apposed to portal 2 which feels more like you are with others.
The gameplay obviously is super good, portals are just fun to play with.


One of the first games that I've played, pretty chill and made me like games a lot more

(Reseña sacada de mi cuenta de Steam: APolChrome)

Portal es una obra maestra. Cuando empecé a jugarlo, no entendía el por qué de las tan buenas críticas al juego. El inicio es muy simple y cuando digo muy, es muy simple. Pero, cada vez el juego se iba volviendo mejor. Cada puzzle es más difícil que el anterior, con una idea que es muy simple y al mismo tiempo compleja (como es el usar dos portales para ir a distintos sitios), que se usa de forma genial durante 19 niveles.

La historia es simple (no por ello mala, es bastante original) pero lo mejor es sin duda su villana: GlaDos. Glados es de los mejores antagonistas que he visto en mucho tiempo, porque solo te quiere para que hagas las pruebas y a tu casa, solo quiere que la obedezcas y ese humor sádico que tiene a veces es genial.

Los puzles son magistrales, de los mejores que me he encontrado en videojuegos, que se complementan con un diseño de niveles perfecto que te tendrá horas atrapado en Aperture Science. La ambientación es de locos, con unos sonidos perfectos para el entorno y un estilo artístico muy minimalista pero muy funcional.

Es imprescindible. Solo te pido que lo juegues.

Iconic. Insane. Incredible. Insurmountable. That is what Portal is. When I was young, I watched my sister play bits and pieces of it. Now its my turn. >:)

Brief Description

You are Chell, a woman who randomly wakes up in Aperture Science Laboratories. A robotic voice, named GLaDOS, talks to you on the speaker system and instructs you to go through each room-- each with a different puzzle to solve to proceed. You, throughout the game obtain a portal gun, which allows you to place blue and orange ovals. They act as a door, once connected, to get you to places that you are unable to reach otherwise.

-I love the writing. The script is overall so charming and I love listening to the line delivery each time.
-The whole concept really is unique and lovable. A puzzle game where you are making your way out as a lab rat, in a quirky and charm and, weirdly at the same time, soul-less setting. I love it.
-The concept and execution of the "portal" in this game is so cool. To essentially teleport a player is an awesome concept and crazy thing to code, I'd imagine. It blew my 7-8 year old mind when I first heard about it.
-There's endgame content, like harder difficulty levels and time trials. I believe there is also a production narrative mode where one of the developers talks about the level designs one by one as you walk through the game. I opened it for a millisecond but need to check it out later.
-There is definitely lore linked to Valve's "Half Life" series. I just need to play Half Life-- but I appreciate the references!

-I did get a little bored at some points. Not sure if that is the inevitable after playing a puzzle game for 2 straight hours, but I wish it held my attention at the slow parts.

This game is great. Absolutely amazing for what it was when it came out. I really am excited to see the endgame content, see further into the development of it, and play it in RTX (? even though it has mixed reviews lol). Also makes me eager to play Portal 2-- I love it! :)

acabei de zerar,jogo muito bom, enigmas daoras e final absolute cinema

Bem divertido, é um puzzle que toma bem o seu tempo, mas nada extremamente complexo. Continua sendo ótimo.

the soundtrack and general atmosphere are soooooooo good, portal 2 went in a different direction which was still great, but i really love what this game had going too!!

no me gustan los puzzles pero me gusta el ambiente del juego

Short and sweet. No fluff. Just nonstop fun puzzles.
Also, Glados is hilarious.

i played this game so damn long ago that i dont remember too much about the actual game itself beyond that it was good as hell ,,,

im motion sick as im writing this anyways good introduction to the portal series i think. this was my replay btw, im gonna go throw up now

also whatever you do, do not play the RTX version of portal it looks bad

Short but very rewarding. Who knew puzzle games could be so fun? Everything about this game is great with its main drawback being it simply doesn't go far enough with the puzzles. Regardless, it's still one of the most unique experiences in gaming to this day.

A very well-made 3D puzzle platformed game. I must say, as far as graphics go, this game was way ahead of its time. Also how the lore connects to Half-Life is unbelievable. However, this game is extremely stressful and I need to be extremely precise at some chambers. I'm stuck at test chamber 18 and lost my patience already.

Um clássico, muito divertido!

Absurdly good, I’m kicking myself for not playing it earlier. It holds up amazingly and is just as good as everyone says it is, my only complaint is that it’s pretty short- took less than two hours to beat, but the puzzles were good, the jokes were good, the gameplay was intuitive, it was very engaging, and there’s still things to do outside the story. The glitches and quirks don’t impede gameplay at all and are fun to mess with. Really, I can’t say enough good things about Portal.

goes without saying, this is one of the most creative games of all time.

This work of art has stood the test of time and I personally think that every single person interested in gaming should play this at some point in their lives.

nice and quick but still memorable

I like this game, it doesn't give you very competitive puzzles, but it's reasonable to explain the general logic of the game. When you first start the game, everything seems normal, but it gets increasingly strange. I also like how the portal works, it's more like a prototype game. Still, I know it's one of the legends, and I'm sure the second game will be even better.

short but nice... I love glados...

Funny, engaging, and despite short, quite sweet. What's not to love?