Reviews from

in the past

can you imagine if suckerpunch stopped playin and gave us a new Sly game

GooeyScale: 75/100

Carmelita fox really making me act unwise 😩

Buttery smooth, beautifully crafted levels, everything looks just like how its concept art was I'd imagine, a crystalline realization of the original vision put into three dimensional form!

Only time this really gets tiresome is when it relies on gimmicks introduced practically near the endgame causing you to die over and over from not knowing what's going on yet. Typically I'd stamp that as just plain bad game design but hey the positives are still pretty big here, this one has quite a charm! Always a game I wanted to play as a young kid, thought it was cool how you could hide in barrels and walk around, slamming boiler doors shut with your cane. Still cool, still great.

fantastic 3D platformer buuuuuuuuuuut I HATE YOU DRIVING MINI GAME

A pretty sweet and short stealth platformer with a loveable cast of thieves.

They don't make them like they used to fr 💯💯🙏

(2024 replay)
This game man. Its got some performance issues. Occasionally getting a lil sluggish in high density areas. But it still feels so good all the time. Seamless platforming that feels so fluid and fun over twenty years after release. Super neat locales with unique missions throughout. Its not a long game. Plausible to 100% in under ten hours. But fun per minute is a glowing spot on this one. Fully worth the time and play.

que puto juego más divertido, que bien mezcla el plataformeo con el sigilo, los bosses son chulísimos excepto la misión final que aún me duelen los huevos, he completado el libro pero las contrarreloj que las haga su puta madre

A PlayStation mascot-platformer classic, Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus does a decent job setting up the character to stand tall among its contemporaries for the PS2 era. While the gameplay isn't anything special, the majority of the enjoyment from this game comes from its presentation. The varied environments as you go through the game keep the stealth and platforming from getting stale, and the members of the Fiendish Five have enough of their personalities sprinkled in throughout the levels that it makes defeating them at the episodes' end all the more satisfying. This game is bogged down by its short run time and its reliance on gimmicky mini-game levels, but as a first venture, Sly Cooper and the Theivius Raccoonus gets the job done and I would recommend for any fan of classic platformers.